To: RADM Bishop, S (@Sam)
From: CAPT Vel, L
Subj: Diplomat Request
I am not one to sugarcoat things. Talks between the Federation and the Confederacy (Viggo) have reached a critical fault, due in no small part to my actions and to a lesser extent Captain Mirazuni, to which I stated to you at our last meeting. I request the immediate dispatch of an available diplomat, in an attempt to revive/save any chance of being able to work with the Viggo. Forrestal will remain on station to provide any requested support to said team.
Captain Lunya Vel
Commanding Officer,
USS Forrestal NCC-98417
To: CAPT Vel, L.; CAPT Mirazuni, A.
CC: ~~
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: RE: Diplomat Request
I am deeply disappointed by the outcome of the Viggo negotiations and the unprofessional conduct reflected in your reports. Instead of presenting a unified and competent front, you both allowed personal rivalry and unnecessary posturing to undermine Starfleet’s objectives. I do not have the time or patience to referee petty squabbles while critical opportunities slip through our fingers.
Captain Vel, your lack of preparation and inability to maintain focus on the mission has proven unacceptable. Effective immediately, you are relieved of your role in these diplomatic efforts and reassigned to standard patrol operations. Your position demands competence and discipline, not theatrics and improvisation. Prove that you can meet the expectations of your rank elsewhere.
Captain Mirazuni, your conduct was no better. You may pride yourself on pointing out flaws after the fact, but your behaviour throughout these talks was equally unproductive. Your role was to support the mission—not undermine it with veiled barbs and counterproductive critiques. You will now return to the Kacam negotiations and see them through to completion. I expect results, not excuses, and certainly not further posturing.
This failure reflects poorly on both of you. You are senior officers in Starfleet, tasked with upholding its principles and objectives—not indulging in personal one-upmanship. I suggest you take a hard look at how you carry yourselves going forward.
To: CAPT Vel, L. (@LunyaVel)
CC: ~~
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: Diplomatic Opportunities
The opportunity to demonstrate your capabilities has arisen sooner than expected. There are multiple missions currently underway to Ralin and Citali. Should you desire, you are encouraged to liaise with the captains leading these efforts to explore the possibility of collaborating alongside them.
To: RADM Bishop, S (@Sam)
From: CAPT Vel, L
Subj: RE: Diplomat Request
I have reached out to the team that are assigned to the Citali. I have made a request to be able to attend as an observer/advisor. I have also offered Forrestal to them for logistical and carrier support, though that last part comes down to your decision. I have fully studied the situation with the Azedi, and will do my best (if accepted) to assist in the success of the assigned Captains.
Captain Lunya Vel
Commanding Officer,
USS Forrestal NCC-98417