LOCATION Border of Confederacy and Independent Space
MISSION Follow up discussions with Federation and Confederacy (Viggo)
OUTCOME Talks Unsuccessful
- Captain Lunya Vel
- Captain Ayesha Mirazuni
- Commander Riasull Dellir
- Ensign Dimitry Valstead (NPC)
NARRATIVE On above listed Stardate, USS Forrestal was contacted again by Chancellor Eraton, in efforts to resume discussions in regards to the requested Wormhole Technology, in exchange for a Cultural Exchange program.
Under orders from Rear Admiral Bishop, Captain Vel advised Chancellor Eraton that the technology would be given to the Viggo, but due to security concerns, the files were on the way via shuttle due to needing a flag officer to access. This was in fact a deception, as the requested files were onboard USS Forrestal in a secure location. Admiral Bishop was advised of this, prior to the above orders being given.
Chancellor Eraton requested the location of the inbound shuttle, to which Captain Vel stated that due to operational security, that information could not be given. The channel was cut at this time by Captain Vel in an effort to force the Chancellor back to negotiations in an attempt to buy time. This was unsuccessful.
Captain Vel was advised by Captain Mirazuni that the wormhole technology did in fact not belong to the Viggo,. and should perhaps be returned to the proper originators. No final decision was made on this matter at this time. The schematics were brought to Captain Vel via security team for safe keeping.
A Confederacy destroyer remained, to which a counter offer of neutronium and a reduced length of the Cultural Exchange program was offered, in addition to the schematics. By this time, the Chancellor had proceeded to depart, and this offer was relayed via the destroyer. No response at this time.
USS Forrestal will once more remain on station, as diplomatic efforts, no matter how strained, will continue until ordered otherwise.
RECOMMENDATION It is this Captain’s recommendation that diplomatic efforts with the Viggo at this point are a wasted effort, and that efforts should be focused on the other Azedi factions.
RECOGNITION Recognition to Captain Mirazuni for finally disclosing vital information in regards to ownership of the wormhole technology. Recognition to Commander Dellir for continued competency with CAG duties. Recognition to the on-duty bridge operations officer (Ensign Valstead) for rapid relaying of requested messages to the Viggo.
OOC And still, nobody was shot