TO: Tyrstoc, H'Ltol | SUBJ: Diplomacy with Citali

To: CAPT Tyrstoc (@Space_Monkey); CAPT Sh’ow, H. (@HLtol)
CC: @38th.Command
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: Diplomacy with Citali


I require you to initiate diplomatic talks with the Citali. Determine amongst yourselves who is best suited to lead the negotiations, but ensure that both of you are fully versed in the latest intelligence regarding the Confederacy. You may include any additional officers whose expertise will aid in achieving productive discussions. Keep me informed of your progress


Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: RADM Bishop, S. (@Sam)
CC: CAPT Tyrstoc (@Space_Monkey)
From: CAPT Sh’ow, H.
Subj: Diplomacy with Citali

Understood Admiral,

The Defender will begin making preparations for departure, whilst this is happening I will endeavour to set up a meeting with myself and Captain Tyrstoc to discuss the details of this mission in person.

We will keep you updated

Captain, H’Ltol Sh’ow
Commanding Officer,
USS Defender


To: RADM Bishop, S. (@Sam)
CC: CAPT Sh’ow, H. (@HLtol)
From: CAPT Tyrstoc
Subj: Diplomacy with Citali

Orders received, Admiral; and copied, Captain. USS Heimdall is underway, and will rendezvous with USS Defender to confer on a plan for talks ASAP. Request permission to bring on Captains Ysjana and Vel for additional operational support and consultation. Prior experience with the Citali system indicates we may have a significant task ahead of us, and operational parameters remain tenuous after the result of recent attempts at diplomatic relations with the Viggo. While it may be advisable to keep the total ship count of a prospective delegation down, it is my official recommendation that additional expertise and no less than three defensively capable vessels would prove prudent.

Captain Tyrstoc
Commanding Officer,
USS Heimdall


To: CAPT Tyrstoc
CC: CAPT Sh’ow, H.
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: RE: Diplomacy with Citali



Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: CAPT Tyrstoc (@Space_Monkey)
CC: CAPT Sh’ow, H. (@HLtol) RADM Bishop, S. (@Sam)
From: CAPT Ysjana (@Yont)
Subj: Diplomacy with Citali

USS Delphi is in perfect shape, and well-suited for the task at hand. As is the captain, and her crew. Will make way to the rendezvous at earliest convenience.

Captain Ysjana
Commanding Officer,
USS Delphi


To: CAPT Tyrstoc (@Space_Monkey)
CC: RADM Bishop, S (@sam)
From: CAPT Vel, L
Subj: RE: Diplomacy with Citali

USS Forrestal has diverted, and will make rendezvous with the ships assigned to this mission. I will discuss possible tactics and use of Forrestal during any meetings we have.

Captain Lunya Vel
Commanding Officer,
USS Forrestal NCC-98417


To: RADM Bishop, S (@Sam)
CC: CAPT Tyrstoc (@Space_Monkey)
From: CAPT Sh’ow, H.
Subj: Diplomatic Concerns


Following a meeting between Captains that will be involved in the Diplomatic mission to Citali, some points where raised that I wish to clarify with yourself.

Would it be possible to arrange a meeting with yourself, before we begin the diplomatic proceedings?

Captain, H’Ltol Sh’ow
Commanding Officer,
USS Defender


To: CAPT Sh’ow, H.
CC:CAPT Tyrstoc
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: RE: Diplomatic Concerns

Please contact my Office to arrange a time at your earliest convienience.


Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: RADM Bishop, S (@Sam)
CC: CAPT Tyrstoc (@Space_Monkey)
From: CAPT Sh’ow, H.
Subj: RE: Diplomacy with Citali


Following the diplomatic attempts made late yesterday (Ship board local time), which seemed to be successful, we have opened diplomatic channels with the Citali.

Please find the AAR attached for your review and feed back if required.

Captain, H’Ltol Sh’ow
Commanding Officer,
USS Defender

//ATTACHMENT// AAR: The Art Of The Next Best