TO: WCDR Miral | SUBJ: Information

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TO: WCDR Miral
CC: - - - - - -
SUBJ: Information

Jolan’tru Ael’Riov,

You requested I seek out information on the reasons for the S.S. Adeodatus’ delay and repairs. I may have discovered the beginning of an answer, or perhaps another unrelated but not insignificant discovery.

I attempted to establish an in with the Senator’s ship to begin collecting information. As a counter, he directed me towards his assistant, Solka, for something he classified as something of an insignificant but time pressing favor. Curious, I decided to attend the meeting.

During the course of the meeting, Solka asked me to utilize the Laehval’s replicators to reproduce a variety of parts which, while innocuous on their own, are often combined together to make illicit substance paraphernalia. She made reference towards a substance known as Tarkalian red with claims it aided the Senator in his ‘complex responsibilities.’ The substance in question is a known recreational drug most often utilized for euphoria, relaxation, sedation, and reducing anxiety. Regardless of this drug’s status or classification, it would likely not be beneficial to the Senator’s professional reputation if his regular usage of this substance was made public. Attached is the requisition list and schematics given to me by Solka; enough to embarrass the Senator if leaked to the public, to back up the claims I have made. I leave this information in your capable hands to do what you will, but due to Solka’s inflexibility in delivery methods, I did not determine it viable for me to fulfill this favor.

If you require anything else, do not hesitate to call on me. However, I do not believe I have enough favor to continue investigating the Senator’s ship at this junction.

Subcommander Tylen tr'Valex
Commanding Officer, R.R.W. Laehval

Security Level 3 - Restricted


SUBJ RE: Information


I had assumed you were simply going to ask the senator about the attack he mentioned in the transporter room. While I acknowledge I myself am capable of asking the same question, and in a position to command action be taken, the intent was to allow you to start developing connections with our civilian leadership in a meaningful way. I see that connection has been developed, albeit it in a different manner than I anticipated.

The senator is a civilian, outside of our jurisdiction, and operates at levels so far above my rank that to a Subcommander he may as well be a deity. Even the thought of blackmailing one of these individuals is one you should purge from your very being immediately, if such a thought existed. I am aware you are simply presenting information to your commanding officer, however. With that task completed, you will wipe any reference to Tarkalian Red from your computers and refrain from discussing this with anyone else.

Expect tasking orders in relation to anti-piracy patrols along the senator's route in the near future.

Wing Commander Miral
Joint Squadron Commander, Aldebaran
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TO: WCDR Miral
CC: - - - - - -
SUBJ: Information

Understood, Ael'Riov.

Might I mention, will all due respect, when you pull me aside and whisper about investigating the state of the Senator's ship, it does not instill a purpose of directness.

Subcommander Tylen tr'Valex
Commanding Officer, R.R.W. Laehval