USS Hornet (NCC-97556)

U.S.S. Hornet (NCC-97556)

USS Hornet
USS Hornet (CV-8)
Utopia Planitia Fleetyards
Deep Space 13
Starfleet, 38th Fleet
General Characteristics
Class and Type:
Jupiter class Carrier
1466 m
224 m
535 m
17,000,000 mt
3x Yoyodyne 44A M/ARC Warp Core
2x Paired LF-51 Mod 5 Advanced Asynchronous Warp Drive Units
1x Q-1T Quantum Slipstream Drive System
2x Asynchronous TF-5-U Transwarp Coil Units
9x FIG-7 Subatomic Unified Impulse Engines
Avg. Cruise:
Max Cruise:
Maximum QSS:
Warp 8
Transwarp 13
Transwarp 32 (2 hours)
Sensor Systems:
20x DYN-75 Multi-Band Linear Sensor Systems
10x Omniwave Passive Sensor Matrices
2x AN/A-27C WATCHER Air Traffic Control Arrays
FSQ4-K Primary Shield Array with backup FSS-9 Secondary Force Field and Deflector Control System
Shinsei Industries G14 Heavy Graviton Navigational Deflector
Duranium Ablative Armor
12x Type-XII Phaser Arrays
1x Type-XII Dual Phaser Cannon
48x Phaser Flak/CIWS Turrets
24x Torpedo SAM turrets
4x Tri-tube Variable-Payload Torpedo Launchers
Auxiliary Craft:
Carrier Air Wing 10
- VFA-35 "Wild Cards"
- VFA-39 "Spartans"
- VFA-106 "Gladiators
- VFA-111 "Lancers"
- VFA-133 "Werewolves"
- VFA-255 "Rapiers"
- VAQ-100 "Nebula Specters"
- VAQ-140 "Patriots"
- VAW-98 "Gate Keepers"
- VRC-42 "Horsemen"
- HSC-55 "Golden Spike"
Frigate Squadron 10
- USS Thrasher
- USS Gato

The USS Hornet (NCC-97556) is a Jupiter class carrier in service with the 38th fleet. She is named for the mid 20th Century US Navy Aircraft Carrier of the same name that was sunk during the Battle of Santa Cruz during Earth’s Second World War. She is the second recorded Starfleet vessel to bear the name, with the first vessel’s having since been classified by Starfleet Intelligence.


Hornet was laid down in the year 2402 as a Jupiter class Dreadnought. However, halfway into her construction, when the IKS Vo’Quv was put into service by the Klingon Empire, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers altered her design, alongside that of a large number of other Jupiter spaceframes, to make her a carrier class vessel, matching the Vo’Quv. As such, this extended her time in spacedock out to 2406, when she was launched and commissioned. As soon as her Carrier Qualification and Shakedown Cruise was completed, Hornet was assigned to the Romulan front, where she was tasked with keeping an eye on the remnants of the Romulan Empire. During this time, Hornet completed multiple Freedom of Navigation exercises into Romulan territory. In late 2410, Hornet was called to the newly established Romulan Republic colony of New Romulus, alongside multiple other Federation vessels, to assist in defending the colony from an as then unknown force - a force that would later come to be known as the Elachi.

After the Battle of New Romulus, Hornet was returned to patrolling the Federation-Romulan Empire border. However, when the Solanae Dyson Sphere was discovered, Hornet was deployed to the megastructure to assist as a force multiplier against first the Voth, and then the Undine. It was during this conflict that the ship was awarded the Grankite Order of Tactics award for her efforts against both factions. When the Jenolan Dyson Sphere was rediscovered and the Delta Quadrant opened up, Hornet was deployed to the quadrant to assist in raising Starfleet’s image in the Quadrant by providing humanitarian aid to various powers throughout the Delta Quadrant. When the Vaadwaur Supremacy was established as a threat in late 2413, Hornet was deployed to Kobali Prime to help defend the planet from attacks.

As the conflict with the Vaadwaur wound down, Hornet was sent back to Sol to undergo a small refit. However, various delays meant that the Hornet was only brought back into service in mid September, 2414. Due to the Iconian War raging at this time, Hornet was kept back to defend Sol, a decision which bore fruit on September 27, as on that day, the Iconian forces reached Earth. The battle of Midnight, as it came to be known, was, and still is, one of the few times that Hornet has deployed her entire combat wing at one time.

After the Iconian War, Hornet was deployed to Deep Space 9. During the Hurq crisis in 2417, Hornet was kept back from the front, due to a reluctance from Starfleet to deploy such a valuable asset in a conflict zone dominated by what amounted to drone swarms. Despite this, Hornet’s massive size was still put to good use, both before and during the conflict, in evacuating civilians from the path of the Hurq swarms.

When the Hurq crisis came to a close, Hornet was returned to Earth to undergo a major mid-life refit. She was stuck in drydock undergoing upgrades to everything from C2 systems to her Warp Core from late 2417 to late 2419. Upon being returned to active duty, Hornet was deployed to the Klingon-Federation border as a part of a large border patrol force assigned to keep an eye on the Klingon Empire due to the ongoing House Mo’kai Crisis and subsequent Klingon Civil War. She stayed with this Patrol Fleet until November 2421, when a Starfleet Task Force discovered the existence of a Terran plan to invade the Prime Universe. With this information, Starfleet Command hurriedly redeployed Hornet back to Sol to assist in the system’s defence. Initially, Hornet was deployed to Mars, where she assisted in the evacuation of the Utopia Planitia Fleetyards, before retreating to Earth when it became obvious that Terran forces and the as yet unnamed C’Qer would overrun the planet. Since then end of the Terran Crisis and the retreat of C’Qer and V’Ger into parts unknown, Hornet has remained in the Sol System, undergoing integration with the newer Flight II Callisto class Frigates. In late January, early February of 2424, Hornet was assigned to Starfleet’s 38th Fleet, under the command of Captain Lunya Vel.

On stardate 101108.4, USS Hornet, alongside USS Roosevelt and USS Ecstasea engaged and eliminated a group of pirates who were operating near DS13.

Technical Data

Physical Arrangement & Crew Support

At 1466 meters in length, the Jupiter class carrier is one of Starfleet’s largest vessels. Initially designed as a Dreadnought, the emergence of the KDF’s Vo’Quv class carrier prompted Starfleet Command to order the ADSB to redesign a number of spaceframes to become Carriers. Despite her connection to the Dreadnought variant, the Carrier variant of the Jupiter class was much more successful, and the UFP’s shipyards are still churning out hulls. She also retains the four nacelled design of the previous Dreadnought, as well as the combined saucer/engineering hull design.

With a crew complement of 2200, the Jupiter’s crew support is highly efficient. There is one main medical facility in the ship, with 20 smaller stations scattered throughout the ship, as well as provision for up to 10 additional facilities through modular systems. There are also 20 separate Crew Lounges, 10 holodeck and 4 holosuite facilities, and 20 gym suites.

To complement the existing crew, Jupiters have holoprojectors installed on every deck, allowing for Emergency Holograms to be activated when needed. That being said, the ship has capacity for nine EMHs, six Emergency Engineering Holograms, and 20 Emergency Security Holograms.

Tactical & Defensive Systems

Despite her main striking force being the six embarked Strike Fighter squadrons, the Jupiter class is still reasonably well armed, sporting 12 Type-XII Phaser strips, alongside 4 Tri-tube variable payload torpedo launchers. Jupiters are also fitted for dual or quad Pulse Phaser cannons, although these are fitted/removed at the captain’s discretion.

The defensive armament of a Jupiter is nothing to sneer at, however. Her hull is lined with 48 separate Phaser CIWS turrets and 24 Torpedo SAM turrets, capable of wrecking large numbers of hostile fighters and torpedoes. These various turrets are capable of retracting into the hull when not in use, providing the systems with a modicum of protection and allowing for them to be easily repaired when necessary. Her deflector shields are some of the strongest in the fleet, even though they have such a large area they need to cover. A Shinsei Industries G14 Heavy Graviton Navigational Deflector provides protection to the ship from space debris while at warp. The last line of defense of the ship, if something manages to get past all these layers of protection is a layer of duranium ablative hull armour covering the entire ship, with extra protection around the bridge and main engineering.


Power for a Jupiter is drawn from three Yoyodyne 44A M/ARC Warp Cores. Combined, these three cores provide enough power to sustain the ship’s enormous shield grid, as well as the vessel’s 2 pairs of LF-51 Mod 5 Advanced Asynchronous Warp Drive Units. Additional Superluminal transport is provided by a Q-1T Quantum Slipstream Drive System and two Asynchronous TF-5-U Transwarp Coil Units, the latter of which were retrofitted onto all ships of the class after the opening of the Khitomer Alliance’s Transwarp Network.

Subluminal travel is provided by nine separate FIG-7 Subatomic Unified Impulse Units. These units have enough power to push the 17 million metric ton vessel up to about .25c. However, because of the class’s enormous mass, a Jupiter class carrier is insanely sluggish at maneuvering, having been described by some helmsmen as a “brick to fly.”

C3 (Command, Control, & Communications) Systems

Like all Starfleet vessels, the Hornet has her bridge on deck 1. This is a standard Starfleet bridge, with all the major stations ringed around the captain’s chair in the centre. However, due to her role as a Carrier, Deck 2 hosts the ship’s Carrier Air Traffic Control Centre (CATCC). Due to its place above the ship’s launch deck, Deck 31 also hosts the ship’s Primary Flight Control Pri-Fly). These two locations cover flight ops from all stages of flight (discussed in more detail below). Jupiters also have some very powerful communication systems, allowing the ship to control multiple squadrons worth of small craft, as well as serve as the flagship of a strike group.

Auxiliary Craft and Flight Ops

Auxiliary Craft aboard the Hornet is split into two elements - Carrier Air Wing 10, and Frigate Squadron 10. Carrier Air Wing 10 consists of six Strike Fighter Squadrons (VFA-35 “Wild Cards”, -39 “Spartans”, -106 “Gladiators”, -111 “Lancers”, -133 “Werewolves”, and -255 “Rapiers”), two Electronic Warfare squadrons (VAQ-100 “Nebula Spectres” and -140 “Patriots”), a single AEW&C squadron (VAW-98 “Gatekeepers”), a single heavy transport squadron (VRC-42 “Horsemen”), and a single light multipurpose transport/maintenance squadron (HSC-55 “Golden Spikes”). All six strike fighter squadrons fly variants of the Valkyrie class strike fighter, mostly the base Valkyrie, however VFA-106 flies both Valkyries and Valors, and VFA-255 flies only Valors. Both VAQ squadrons fly refit Peregrine class fighters. VAW-98 flies a quartet of modified Danube class runabouts, modified specially for the AEW&C role. VRC-42 flies the remaining 5 Danubes, as well as an assortment of 8 heavy shuttles (eg Type 20 “Argos”, Type 11, etc). Finally, HSC-55 flies an assortment of 15 light shuttles (Type 8s, Type 9s, etc), and a handful of CMU Workbees.

Frigate Squadron 10 consists of four Callisto class light Frigates, two of which are Flight I Frigates, and two of which are Flight IIs. Currently, only two Frigates are assigned to Hornet, the Thrasher and the Gato. The other two, Vampire and Johnston are assigned to the USS Kearsarge, after that ship’s reassignment from the 38th Fleet. If all four frigates are assigned at once, then the Carrier’s Combat Air Wing must be disembarked to provide space for the frigates. If no frigates are assigned, then the number of VFAs and VAQs double. The specific frigates assigned are the Flight I USS Gato and the Flight II USS Thrasher. As of 2424, Thrasher is permanently assigned to the Hornet, under the command of Commander Kora zh’Venda, while Gato is under the command of Commander Srirr.

During standard flight ops, the dorsal bay is used solely for the lauch and recovery of the Callistos, while the port and starboard bays are used for fighter and small craft ops. At any one time, one of the bays is used for launches only, while the other is used for recoveries only. Launches and recoveries can be assisted by tractor beam nets that either accelerate or stop a craft, depending on whether the craft is being launched or recovered. These, however are typically only used during combat ops, to increase the pace at which Hornet can put craft into the fight. Launches and recoveries are controlled from the ship’s Pri-Fly, while everything else (Approach, Departure, and Area out to 1000km) is controlled from the CATCC. There are three lifts on the launch deck that allow the transport of two craft at once between the launch deck and the various hangar/storage/maintenance decks. When not at warp, SOP is to deploy both assigned Callistos, as well as at least one Danube from VAW-98 and at least one CAP flight consisting of two Valkyries or Valors from any of the VFA squadrons, plus one Peregrine (equipped for jamming) from either VAQs.

Assigned Runabouts


  • USS Monash
  • USS Kidd
  • USS Auchinleck
  • USS Bradley


  • USS Devraux
  • USS Corsair
  • USS Sea Fury
  • USS Hellcat
  • USS Wildcat

Mission Patches, Battle Honours, and Awards

Jupiter class USS Hornet

Carrier Air Wing 10

Solanae Sphere

Undine Campaign

Vaadwaur Campaign

Iconian War

Hur'q Conflict

Terran Incursion

Grankite Order of Tactics


Jupiter Class Master Systems Display

USS Hornet's Order of Battle, as of February 2424

USS Hornet during the Battle of Midnight, having launched her entire combat air wing

RP Note

For those who wish to RP as a member of the Hornet's air wing, please use the following uniform. If you wish, you may also use the shoe colours on other outfits (ie duty and excursion).



Callisto class light escort

Callisto class light escort
Class Overview

In Service:
Utopia Planitia Fleetyards, San Fransisco Fleetyards
2401- present
2409 - present
General Characteristics
Light Escort
110.02 m
80.07 m
20.2 m
1x Heinser Class 6 M/ARC Warp Core
2x Scott Light Impulse Engines
4x Garruck Industries A15 Impulse Manoeuvring Manifolds
Avg. Cruise:
Max. Cruise:
Max. Speed:
Warp 6
Warp 9.2
Warp 9.9

50 (Flight I)
40 (Flight II)
Sensor Systems:
4x DYN-79 Multi-band Linear Sensor Suites
1x Omniwave Passive Sensor Matrices
FSR4-C Metaphasic Resilient Shield Array
Yoyodyne N-50 Multiphasic Navigational Deflector
Neutronium Alloy Hull Armor, with Ablative Duranium layer
8x Type XII Phaser Arrays
1x Type XIV Quad Phaser Cannon
4x Variable payload torpedo launchers
2x Mission Pods

Designed in conjunction with the Jupiter carrier and as a sister design to the Aquarius class light escort, the Callisto class light escort was designed as a faster, almost raider-like, variant of the Aquarius. The main purpose of ships of this class are to provide additional strength for a Jupiter class carrier’s battlegroup. As such, they are typically assigned to Jupiters in pairs, with a maximum of 4 of these ships able to be carried by a Jupiter. This comes at a cost, however, as taking a pair of Callistos means that the Jupiter mothership loses out on half of its fighter wing. This means that Jupiter captains must weigh up whether or not they want to get more firepower at the cost of defense. When not assigned to a Jupiter, Callistos are typically assigned to system patrols.

Power for a Callisto comes from a single Heinser Class 6 M/ARC Warp Core, enabling it to reach a top speed of Warp 9.9. Sublight speeds are reached thanks to the class’s pair of Scott Light Impulse Engines, complemented by four Garruck Industries A15 Impulse Maneuvering Manifolds. These manifolds are powerful enough to enable the class to reverse its direction of movement in a fraction of the time it takes a Defiant class Escort to do the same. Callisto class ships do not, however, carry either a Transwarp Coil, or a Quantum Slipstream Projector, meaning that it must dock with its mothership to exceed Warp 9.9.

Like its sister design, the offensive weaponry of a Callisto class vessel is rather overpowered for its size. Vessels of the class mount 8 Type XII phaser arrays, a single Type XIV Quad Phaser Cannon, and four (2 fore, 2 aft) Variable Payload Torpedo Tubes. Unlike its sister design, the Callisto does not mount the eight Phaser CIWS turrets, as the Callisto design was made as a more aggressive version than the Aquarius. Callisto class frigates are also modular in design, allowing for both the equipping of various mission pods (one on each nacelle), as well as multiple mission loadouts, be it escort, screening, patrol, reconnaissance, etc.

Starting in 2424, Utopia Planitia began the construction of Flight II Callisto class frigates. These frigates are much more automated than their older sibling, allowing for a small reduction in crew count. Flight IIs are also capable of slightly more independent operations than Flight Is, however this feature is rarely used. Superficially, however, Flight IIs look exactly the same as Flight Is.