Wind People - Diplomacy

To: CMDR Salene, N. ((@Biska)), LCDR Khet, M. ((@Sophist))
CC: AMB Perim, N. ((@kermit ))
From: Stern, U.
Subj: Wind People


The Ambassador has asked me to reach out to the Wind People and start a more formal diplomatic dialogue. I don’t have a ton of info on their people at the moment, which isn’t the best position going in. I’ll be reading up on reports on my way out there, but it looks like there isn’t much.

One of their people is also a Federation Citizen and Starfleet Lieutenant posted on the USS Dragon, one Lieutenant Ansha Wind-People. Her dossier is attached. If the pair of you could reach out and interview her I’d appreciate it. I’ll take any information you can get.

Ulrich Stern
Federation Diplomat

//ATTACHMENT// LT Wind People, A.


To: Mr. Stern; CMDR Salene; LCDR Khet;
From: Ambassador Perim

Subj: RE: Wind People

Relevant report and message chain attached. Don’t give away the resort.


//ATTACHMENT// Wind People Collective (Re: AAR 99612.8)