Xedi-Dominion Relations

Security Level 2 - Confidential
TO 38th.Command
CC -
FROM CAPT Varley, L.
SUBJ Re: Xedi-Dominion Relations


Allow me to suggest a more temperate response. My proposal is twostage and as follows:

Stage One

Relief and aid. The people of Isep Xedi have just had their world tuned around. Martial Law has been declared after a bloody coup in their own streets with backing from a vast and powerful external organization. If independant news outlets are to be believed, public executions via stake and fire have been carried out. The people are definitely terrified. The least we can do is offer basic help.

First, we’ll open our doors to civillian refugees from both Isep Xedi and the remaining rebel forces by granting anyone and everyone who asks immediate refugee status. Deep Space 13 can accomodate them while they are processed for Federation asylum. Secondly we will reach out to the current ruling government of Isep Xedi to offer basic medical and provisional supplies to aid their recovering populace. We don’t have to like the people who are in charge to help the ones under their boot, with any luck the military government will permit us to help in this way.

Stage Two

Preventative measures. The Dominion can not be permitted to further damage the stability of the Xedi civilization. To achieve this we will prohibit all Dominion vessels from entering the Xedi system. If our Republic allies would be so kind as to loan us a few cloaking sensor buoys, we can keep an eye on the traffic of the system. The Xedi certainly aren’t capable of penetrating a Romulan cloaking device, so if any of the bouys are destroyed we’ll have a pretty good idea of who did it.

This precaution won’t inhibit whatever channels the Dominion are using to communicate with the Xedi military government, but it will make it harder for them to deliver equipment or soldiers.


Ultimately this isn’t much, but I believe it’s a far better starting point than obliterating their naval forces as per Wing Commander Miral’s suggestion. I do appreciate your restraint in talking to us first, sir. I’m not saying we should put away the cavalry just yet, but for now at least I recommend that our focus lies with what’s best for the Xedi people before we start making things worse for them again.

Captain Lauren Varley
Commanding Officer, Deep Space 13
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

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