CAPT Tyrstoc
LOCATION Fvillhaih System
MISSION Defeat Romulan Star Empire defenses and secure the Fvillhaih System.
OUTCOME Cetratus Squadron successfully attacked Fvillhaih in concert with other 38th Fleet ships led by U.S.S. Dragon. Cetratus engaged and defeated eight defending RSE warbirds, partly by drawing them just outside the system and into a nearby nebula.
- CAPT Tyrstoc
- CAPT H’Ltol
- CAPT Konieczko
- CAPT Ysjana
- CMDR Blake
NARRATIVE Cetratus Squadron and the U.S.S. Defender mustered at the designated staging ground in the Sarita system, along with U.S.S. Dragon, U.S.S. Shenlong, U.S.S. Albion, U.S.S. Hibernia, and U.S.S. Argama. Stealth countermeasures were enacted, including IFF signal decoys and warp signature masking. From there, Cetratus Squadron proceeded to the Fvillhaih system at high warp behind the group of aforementioned ships.
Upon reaching the system, Cetratus coordinated assault with aforementioned ships on the RSE starbase in place there, assisting in disabling multiple unreadied RSE vessels, and destroying one Mogai class warbird. Scans from the U.S.S. Heimdall and tachyon pulses from the U.S.S. Siva identified additional, anticipated incoming defenders from elsewhere in the system; consisting of one D’deridex class, two Valdore class, two T’liss refit class, and two T’varo class Star Navy vessels. Cetratus squadron pivoted to engage them.
U.S.S. Sentinel, positioned in advance, engaged the larger ships with phaser lance. Tachyon detection from the Siva revealed a cloaked strike by the four smaller ships in time for U.S.S. Delphi’s fighters, and retaliatory combined fire from Heimdall and Defender, to blunt the ambush. While Siva managed to damage one T’varo significantly with a close range torpedo strike, the warbirds were still able to deal significant damage to the shields of Siva, Heimdall, and Delphi. Further attacks from the three larger warbirds did more shield damage to Sentinel, Heimdall and Defender.
Cetratus group then broke off in an effort to draw the counterattacking RSE ships away from the siege of the starbase. Fighter harassment from Delphi’s attack wings and strategic fire from Defender were instrumental in drawing the Romulan vessels into pursuit. Given the numerical disadvantage and extensive shield damage, as well as difficulty accounting for Romulan cloaking technology, as flag captain I ordered Cetratus group to make for the nebula outside the system in an attempt to strategically balance the situation.
Commander Blake suggested the use of a single, specially energized tachyon burst—utilizing the composition of the nebula itself—to pinpoint the positions of the RSE ships once within the nebula. A plan was devised to use this in concert with a maneuver to form a broadside line, timed to the Romulan entry into the nebula in order to maximize the circumstantial advantage.
As Cetratus made best speed under impulse to the nebula, Defender was deployed in rearguard for a spread torpedo volley, along with fighters from the Delphi, in order to ensure—and measure—continued pursuit from the Star Navy vessels. The pursuers re-cloaked, initially stopping Delphi’s fighters from establishing their position, but successful torpedo hits allowed skirmish passes. However, the lighter warbirds were able to close the distance to the Defender and dealt significant damage to its aft section and shuttle bay.
Delphi recalled all fighters, and along with sensor readings from Siva detected another cloaked strike, which was repulsed by fire from Delphi and a torpedo strike at close range by the Defender. This resulted in the disabling of a T’varo by Delphi and the destruction of a T’liss refit by Defender. Multiple warbirds still succeeded in targeting the Heimdall, whose shields were penetrated by plasma beam fire and sustained damage to the port nacelle.
Siva completed preparations for the energized tachyon pulse, and all ships entered the nebula on Heimdall’s lead. Despite initial confusion and loss of primary sensors across all ships, as well as intermittent nebula interference and damage to the Heimdall’s comms array, the maneuver was executed successfully as planned. Fire was exchanged, but due to precision targeting telemetry revealed by the energized tachyon pulse, combined attack from Cetratus squadron dealt critical damage to three of five remaining Star Navy vessels. Defender’s impulse engines and hull plating were severely damaged by combined Romulan disruptor and plasma beam fire, Delphi sustained damage to the saucer section from plasma beam fire, Heimdall sustained a grazing hit from a plasma torpedo along the port pylon and scattered disruptor fire to the saucer and secondary hull, and Sentinel sustained a direct dorsal hit from a plasma torpedo. All Cetratus vessels remained combat capable.
When remnants of the Romulan force closed to within reduced sensor range, it became clear they had been crippled, with only the D’deridex and one T’varo remaining combat capable. A timely phaser lance shot at close range from the Sentinel disabled the D’deridex, and the T’varo fled. Shortly after, Siva detected an implosion from deeper within the nebula identified as a singularity core breach from the last remaining Valdore class.
Defender initiated damage control and Delphi dispatched shuttles to further assess damage to Heimdall and Defender. Heimdall’s comms were restored, and upon establishing the total defeat of RSE forces, the order was given to depart the nebula and regroup with the starbase assault group.
RECOMMENDATION Improved tachyon pulse detection protocols and fine-tuning to related sensor detection capabilities may result in better advanced warning of Romulan cloaked strikes. Sensor data from the U.S.S. Siva could be analyzed to yield possible insight in this regard. Fvillhaih system should be swept for residual cloaked enemy patrols and mines, as well as survivors from disabled RSE vessels.
RECOGNITION Captain H’Ltol and the crew of the U.S.S. Defender demonstrated notable resolve in the face of grievous harm, and willingness to place themselves further still in harm’s way for the sole purpose of protecting more vulnerable comrades, above and beyond expectations. Commander Blake’s suggestion of the enhanced tachyon pulse was not only exceptionally clever, but strategically critical to the success of the fleet action, and resulted in an engagement that could have been extremely costly being instead decisively short.