USS Siva, NCC-91520 - Senior Officer Logs

The following contains the mission and personal logs of the senior crew of the USS Siva.

Shroud of Stars (AAR)

Commander Blake, K., Commanding Officer

Siva’s first mission as part of the Cetratus Squadron has been successful. She’s certainly a spirited vessel and far more nimble than the likes of the October or even Atlantis. It was wonderful to see how my crew interacted in this situation, and to think I was initially concerned there may be some level of interpersonal difficulty between some members of my crew, given their very diverse and frankly historic backgrounds, I am proud however to say that that has not been an issue, at least not on the bridge.

We did take some minor damage, but Engineering is working on repairs. It seems that there was something we missed during shakedown, which caused our aft shields to be significantly weaker, but I’m assured it’s correctable.

We’ve already received our orders for our next mission, apart from the squadron and towards deeper enemy territory. I’m apprehensive of such a mission, but I’m confident in my crews abilities to carry it out.

Lieutenant Commander Sorek, Executive Officer

The crew are operating within the expected parameters, however the ship is not. I have raised these concerns with the Operations division and expect a marked return to full operational ability by the first shift next week. The increased sensor bandwidth and higher warp speed is not an acceptable trade off for reduced shielding efficiency.

However, the crew were able to utilise these flaws in a satisfactory way, forcing a powered tachyon burst into the nebula substrate allowed a novel solution to reveal hidden Romulan vessels without compromising the safety of the ship or crew.

Lieutenant Commander Almrez, D., Chief Medical Officer

I worry for the kid, it’s not been an easy transition since joining Starfleet, but he’s finding his way. He’s bred for conflict and combat, but Starfleet should be so much more, Starfleet is so much more, and yet here we are again, fighting for yet another godsdamned just cause.

The Captain seems to understand, which in itself is refreshing. She holds a strong code of ethics and justice, and places the wellbeing of her crew extremely highly. I hope we can all get out of this with everything intact. Souls included.

Lieutenant Commander Ashodi, A., Chief Operations Officer

An inverted polarity tachyon cross feed with bilateral antilepton phase change arrays. Temporarily altering the composition of a micro nebula into an ion storm was inspired. Doing so without destroying the entire of Cetratus was sheer luck. But we pulled it off, and with some fine last second tuning by yours truly (humble as ever), gave us the tactical advantage we needed!

Shunting the power back from the pods to the main arrays and Arat got a quick solution back on the Romulans and (with a little help from our friends) they were all disabled or destroyed a short bit later. Great work by all involved!

Lieutenant Prin, H., Chief Engineer

Those redesigned warp governors are trouble. Sure, they increase the slipstream envelope integrity allowing its use on more classes, even without the specially designed hull like on the Odyssey or Dauntless, but on Siva? She’d handle slipstream just fine, I’m sure of it. Just a little manual adjustment to the intermix rate, a few more kilolitre plasma flow rate, maybe a dedicated sixteen gigaquad computer and three rolls of Starfleet’s finest vacuum tape, Siva’d get the same output as the best Vesta guaranteed.

But no, we have the tacked on external governor solution. Moving them from the end of the nacelles, the natural tail of the warp bubble, was a mistake. Of course, what do I know, I just have to fix the vaca things.

The issue with the design is the low level warp bubble at rest is now placed directly within the aft shielding quadrant, instead of being distributed to the quadrant edges.

Is the fix possible in the field? Yes. Is it easy? No. Can we do it before the week is out? Of course.

Faster reactive shielding at the cost of being able to complete Voyager’s journey and getting back for supper? Decent trade.

Lieutenant J.G. Arat’Atar, Chief Security Officer

Four more.