USS Siva, NCC-91520

U.S.S. Siva

USS Siva
Lafayette Class
United Federation of Planets
Active (2423)

The USS Siva (NCC-91520) was a Federation Lafayette-class starship operated by Starfleet. The Siva was the fifty-sixth Lafayette-class vessel to be commissioned. This was the seventh vessel to be named Siva. Originally laid down by Starfleet Engineers in mid 2417, the Siva was not commissioned in Starfleet until 2423.

Named after the ancient Hindu deity of transformation and destruction, the Siva represents the Federation’s ability to endure and evolve through challenges. Capable of a wide array of mission profiles, with particular focus on scientific studies and tactical effectiveness, the Lafayette-class was well poised as versatile, compact vessels.

Key to the Lafayette platform’s versatility are the three mission pods which are exchangeable at many Starfleet bases and shipyards.

The Siva has been upgraded to a new Mk-III variant, with the latest defence systems based on improvements seen in the Cygnus-class vessels, and enhancements to its science and engineering systems, based on systems from the Monitor-class project.



Construction of the Siva faced numerous delays caused by extenuating factors such as increasing numbers of larger vessels being ordered by Starfleet to more readily combat the larger vessels fielded by the contemporary aggressors, such as the Tzenkethi or hostile Klingon forces which were fielding ever larger vessels against the Federation.

While construction originally began in 2417, Siva was, at this time, little more than the skeletal framework beneath the hull. Between the Tzenkethi crisis, rising Klingon tensions and the destruction of multiple Federation facilities along the border, resources originally allocated for Lafayette-class vessels were redirected to complete larger vessels that were further along in their construction, such as the Andromeda-class, which shared many design elements.

With some classes being retired, and half built hulls being scrapped and withdrawn. Vessels able to carry out more focused hybrid roles, such as the Lafayette-class looked to be in danger of being retired as well, in favour of the larger multi-role vessels, in a move similar to the post-Cardassian war era of Starfleet in the late 2360s.

However, with the all out attack on Earth by the C’qer entity and the Terran Empire, Terran fleet composition, favouring smaller and more aggressive vessels were often quickly able to overpower the larger multi-role Starfleet vessels.

After the conclusion of the Terran invasion in 2421, Starfleet reviewed its fleet compositions leading to new smaller vessels, such as the Bozeman-class, and refits being ordered for the existing stock of hybrid-role vessels.

Siva undergoing self-power tests in Drydock.

With four years worth of innovation, the Mk-III Lafayette-class was born. Rapid construction techniques and large scale fabrication availability meant construction of the Siva was completed in just two years.

The Mk-III Lafayette features the latest innovations and technologies based on improvements seen in the Cygnus-class vessels, with enhancements to its science and engineering systems, owed to improvements from the Monitor-class project.


Under the command of Commander Kara Blake, principle shakedown was completed in an uneventful manner. While some vibration difficulties were encountered at the high-warp/transwarp boundary event, these issues were quickly rectified with software updates, to take into account the Mk-III Lafayette’s slightly reduced phaser profile. As a result, a tighter slipstream envelope could be formed, allowing for a slightly faster maximum speed over the Mk-II Lafayette.


There have been six other vessels in Starfleet history to bear the name Siva.

USS Siva (NX-520 / NCC-520) 2250-2301

Commissioned in 2250, the USS Siva was the prototype of the Mk VIIIa Siva-subclass of the Saladin-class.

USS Siva, NCC-520, in her original configuration.

Serving as the lead ship of its subclass within the Saladin-class destroyers. This ship was notable for its implementation of groundbreaking dilithium-regulated propulsion systems and the innovative PB-31 nacelle.

Despite a refit and extensive testing between 2267-2269 aimed at improving warp manoeuvrability for single nacelle design starships, the results were not as groundbreaking as hoped. Nevertheless, Siva’s capabilities were enhanced compared to its previous iteration, and it continued to serve as an escort within Starfleet. This refit involved removing outdated early generation phaser systems and installing a new photon torpedo launcher along with an updated and integrated deflector design.

USS Siva, NCC-520, in her Block II configuration.

In 2275, USS Siva underwent significant upgrades alongside other ships in her class and some Hermes-class scouts. These enhancements included a new hull design, advanced dual warp nacelles for increased speed, updated weaponry with adaptable Type VII phaser emitters, and a more discreet bridge profile. Additionally, a more powerful tractor beam system would allow the vessel to serve in recovery roles.

The USS Siva remained active in various roles, including as a reserve and training ship, until 2301 where she was decommissioned.

USS Siva (NCC-2248) 2302-2318

The USS Siva, was a Matsumoto-class starship that served with distinction in Starfleet from 2302 to 2318. Launched from the San Francisco Fleet Yards on Earth, Siva was designed for versatility, capable of performing a wide range of missions from scientific exploration to tactical operations.

USS Siva, NCC-2248

The USS Siva embarked on its maiden voyage to explore the uncharted territories of the Alpha Quadrant. The ship was equipped with state-of-the-art sensors and laboratories that made it an ideal platform for discovering new worlds and civilizations.

During its service, the Siva was instrumental in several key Federation initiatives, including the establishment of new diplomatic relations with the reclusive Zentarans and the recovery of ancient artefacts from long-lost civilisations. The ship’s crew was known for their adaptability and resourcefulness, often finding innovative solutions to complex challenges.

In 2318, after sixteen years of service to the Federation, the USS Siva was retired from active duty during a Starfleet draw down, following the cessation of hostilities with the Klingon Empire. The ship’s legacy, however lived on in the form of new technological advancements inspired by its missions and the many Starfleet officers who began their careers aboard this venerable vessel.

USS Siva (NCC-4147) 2320-2330

The USS Siva, was a Constellation-class starship that graced the stars from 2320 to 2330. Constructed at the Andoria Shipyards, the Siva was designed with an emphasis on deep-space exploration, reflecting the Federation’s ongoing commitment to peaceful exploration.

USS Siva, NCC-4147

Under the command of Captain Luisa Gomez, an astrophysicist renowned for her work on wormhole stability, the USS Siva set out to explore the distant reaches of the Alpha Quadrant. The ship boasted advanced navigational systems and a dedicated science team that made significant contributions to Federation knowledge, particularly in the study of temporal anomalies.

The Siva’s decade of service was marked by several notable achievements, including the first successful mapping of the Tenebris Nebula and a critical peacekeeping role during the Talarian border conflicts. The ship’s advanced medical facilities also played a key role in combating a Rigellian Fever outbreak of 2327, saving countless lives.

In 2330, after just ten years of service, the USS Siva was recorded lost, with no trace. After an 18 month search effort, the search was indefinitely postponed.

USS Siva (NCC-17847) 2335-2352

The Ushaan-class USS Siva, was commissioned in 2335. The Ushaan-class was a symbol of the Federation’s resilience and adaptability. With its sleek design and advanced tactical systems, it was built primarily for border patrol, escort missions and combat support.

USS Siva, NCC-17847

During its service, the USS Siva played a crucial role in the Federation-Cardassian War. It was instrumental in several key battles, providing critical support to Federation forces while also engaging in diplomatic missions to minimize the conflict’s impact on non-combatant species.

The ship’s most notable action came in 2352 when it was tasked with a covert operation to infiltrate deep into Cardassian space and gather intelligence on the enemy’s war capabilities.

The crew had managed to obtain critical data on the Cardassians’ new warship designs and their deployment strategies. However, during their return journey, the Siva was ambushed by a Cardassian fleet near the Badlands.

Outnumbered and outgunned, Siva committed to a daring manoeuvre through the plasma storms of the Badlands, using the volatile environment to their advantage. The Siva emerged severely damaged but successful in evading capture, ensuring the vital intelligence reached Starfleet Command.

After 17 years of distinguished service, the USS Siva was decommissioned in 2352, as it was deemed cost inefficient to repair.

USS Siva (NCC-57381) 2352-2367

Commissioned in 2352, the USS Siva (NCC-57381) was a vessel of resilience and exploration. This starship carried the same name to honor its predecessor’s valiant service during the Federation-Cardassian War.

USS Siva, NCC-57381

The USS Siva quickly made a name for itself as a ship of discovery, charting unexplored territories and making first contact with several new species. Its scientific contributions were vast, including the discovery of the Siva Nebula, a region of space rich in rare minerals and exotic particles.

In 2364, Siva faced her greatest challenge when it encountered a previously unknown spatial anomaly. The anomaly’s gravitational forces threatened to tear the ship apart, but through the ingenuity of its engineering team, the Siva managed to reverse the effects and escape, providing invaluable data on spatial phenomena.

The ship’s final mission in 2367 was a diplomatic one, successfully negotiating a peace treaty between two warring planets in the Tessen system. This act of diplomacy exemplified Starfleet’s mission of peaceful exploration and conflict resolution.

After 15 years of service, the USS Siva was retired from active duty but left behind a legacy of courage, discovery, and hope for future Starfleet endeavours.

USS Siva (NCC-89520) 2382-2402

The USS Siva, launched in 2382, was a testament to Starfleet’s enduring legacy of exploration and peacekeeping. This starship, bearing the revered name Siva, was designed with cutting-edge technology and served as a beacon of hope in an era of rebuilding and expansion after the tumultuous events of the late 24th century.

USS Siva, NCC-89520

During its service, Siva embarked on numerous scientific expeditions, pushing the boundaries of known space. Its most significant contribution was the discovery of the Delta-Theta Cluster, a star system with unique properties that challenged existing astrophysical theories.

In 2394, Siva played a pivotal role in quelling the Orion Syndicate’s resurgence, using its advanced sensor systems to track down and dismantle their covert operations without resorting to open conflict.

The ship’s final years were marked by its involvement in the diplomatic efforts that led to the historic Treaty of Anatre X, which brought long-standing disputes between several major powers to a peaceful resolution.

After two decades of distinguished service, the USS Siva was decommissioned in 2402, following extensive damage caused by the disastrous unveiling of a new technology at that years Frontier Day.

Technical Data

Physical Arrangement & Crew Support

350 m
290 m
83 m
900,000 mt
Avg. Cruise:
Max Cruise:
Maximum Speed:
Warp 7.5
Warp 9.997
Transwarp 13 (for 1 hour)
7x Phaser Arrays
4x Photon/Quantum Torpedo Systems
FSS6 Primary Covariant Shield
Partial Ablative Hull Armour
Auxiliary Craft:
6x Type 8 Shuttlecraft
2x Type 11 Shuttlecraft
4x Type 14 Shuttlecraft
6x Argo Class Runabouts
8x CMU Workbees

Measuring at 350 meters and with 19 decks, the design of the Lafayette-class consisted of two hull sections: an oval-shaped primary hull and a secondary hull which mounted two warp nacelles. Siva was designed to carry a standard compliment of 250 officers and crew. In an emergency situation, the Lafayette-class was rated to carry up to 1,250 passengers for a limited duration.

While Siva was rated as a Recon Destroyer, she lacked the stealth capabilities of some other vessels with this designation. Redesigned in response to the modern galactic atmosphere, the Mk-III Lafayette-class provides a distinct combat-focus ship that is otherwise dedicated to scientific study.

A range of typical amenities were available to the ship’s crew, including a number of holodecks and recreational facilities. Siva possessed one sickbay with full facilities while also maintaining smaller triage areas and a decent array of scientific facilities.

Lafayette-class Port View

Pre-Launch Refit

Over the Mk-II Lafayette, the Mk-III differences were largely to internal systems, with only minor external alterations to the secondary hull required.

Aft view

A redesigned aft torpedo launch system allowed for the install of slimmer torpedo tubes, reducing the height of the aft hull inset. This reduced height allowed the installation of enhanced warp field governors, further capable of reducing the effect of subspace wash behind the vessel at both high warp and transwarp speeds.

On the underside, the two combined cargo and shuttle bays had been redesigned to allow better cargo management and ease of shuttle egress and ingress. Additionally, a large accelerator catapult has been added beneath the two main doors, capable of launching small single pilot craft, and scientific equipment at increased speed.

Ventral view

Further improvements to the tactical systems led to the ventral phaser array being moved an additional 8 meters aft, allowing increased phaser coverage previously impacted upon by the lower mission pod.

Moving the phaser array led to a rearrangement of escape pods, now in a 3-2-1 configuration, opposed to the previous 3-1-2. This rearrangement, along with redesigned warp core support systems, first deployed on the Monitor-class, also allowed for the installation of two crew lounges overlooking the lower mission pod.

To the forward section of the Siva, the redesigned main deflector dish, using technologies from the Cygnus-class vessels, allowed greater utility with enhanced field strength and finer control over directional casting of the various emitters, aided by the auxiliary arrays to the port and starboard of the main deflector.

Fore view

With the improved tactical systems, Siva’s phaser arrays were slimmed, and brought closer to the hull, enabling 40% increased Bussard collector visibility over previous generation Lafayette-class vessels.

A similar accelerator catapult, as beneath the lower shuttlebay, has been added to the front of the vessel, behind the secondary fixed focus deflector embedded within the saucer. This accelerator catapult is designed to allow fast launch of probes and other scientific equipment, at speeds greater than the regular torpedo launch systems would allow.

Dorsal view

The dorsal section of the Mk-III Lafayette-class does not see much difference from that of the previous generation, with alterations being primarily iterative.

A new bridge module has been installed, echoing back to the original module design shared between the Mk-I Lafayette and Andromeda classes. This more traditional module featured a rear facing observation/briefing lounge, with many consoles on the bridge being moved from front facing to rear facing.

The transporter emitters and scanners have also been reorientated about 90 degrees to ensure better compatibility with the new shield generator design.

Mission Pods

Port View

Whilst the specifications table list the base capabilities of the Siva, that functionality is expanded upon through the use of several mission pods which can be exchanged at many Starfleet facilities and shipyards.

While the intention is for all three pods to be configured consistently, the arrangement does allow for various mission pods to be used where additional flexibility may be required.

Scientific Mission Pods

When outfitted in a typical scientific configuration, Siva’s pods were comprised of two types, the lower pod is outfitted with high-resolution planetary survey sensors, while the upper pods house long-range sensors for astronomical studies. The warp field is adjusted during warp travel to minimize subspace interference, allowing for extensive scientific research.

Tactical Mission Pods

In a more tactical configuration, the two top pods are instead equipped with advanced quantum torpedo launchers, each holding 45 quantum torpedoes. The lower pod is equipped with a multi-purpose particle emitter, capable of rapidly linking a stream of exotic nadion or tachyon particles, able to emit power directly into the projected field. The resultant energy discharge can cause significant damage to hostile vessels.

Additional Pods

Further to the two main pod classifications above, more highly specialised pods are available.

  • Towing Pods: Equipped with dedicated fusion reactors, these pods supplement the Siva’s tractor beams with additional power and field integrity. In cases where graviton fields are ineffective, an aft-mounted grappler device (with heavy nanopolymer cable) extends up to ten kilometres. In this configuration, Siva is capable; of transporting large structures, even at warp, or of impounding vessels in patrol operations.

  • Cargo Pods: Essentially nothing more than an expanded storage unit, the cargo pod allows for rapid loading and unloading of goods at starbases or stations. It is a self sufficient module, containing support systems to maintain atmospheric or refrigerant integrity if needed.

  • Colony Pods: Twin upper pods contain additional living space for 250 colonists each, while the lower pod would serve as a deployable command centre, complete with supplies and equipment for initial setup of a new colony. While not cramped, the living conditions within these pods could be considered “spartan”, so they are not suitable for long term habitation in of themselves.

  • Hospital Pods: Utilized primarily in large-scale emergencies, this pod houses medical facilities, triage centers, stasis chambers, and a morgue. An accompanying cargo pod stores medical supplies and features enhanced transporters for efficient patient transfer.

  • Experimental Pods: A catch-all term for pods used in various experiments, ranging from weapons testing to scientific research. These pods often have self-contained support systems and require special operating modes for the host ship.

Command and Control Systems

Lafayette Mk-III Bridge Layout

The computer systems aboard the Lafayette-class were based on isolinear circuitry, with additional bio-neural gel packs positioned throughout the vessel. The Siva employed two computer cores, one each in the primary and secondary hulls. Operational control of the ship was provided by the main bridge, located on Deck 1. While Lafayette-class ships, like most Starfleet vessels, were capable of saucer separation, the process was destructive and irreversible without the support of a shipyard facility.

Propulsion and Power Generation

Siva was equipped with a standard Class 12 matter/antimatter warp drive, of General Electric ADS/03 specification, with an average output of 1650 Cochrane. Her standard cruising velocity was Warp 7.5, with a maximum cruise of up to Transwarp 12. Siva was rated for a top speed of Transwarp 13 for a period of up to 1 hour. Sublight propulsion was achieved through the use of the vessel’s large impulse engine, located in the dorsal interconnect between the primary and secondary hull. On the trailing edge of the primary hull two additional large impulse engines provided additional thrust, and were capable of providing significant manoeuvring thrust at high speed through the use of vectored manifolds. Fine manoeuvring control was provided by RCS thrusters, however.

The warp core serves as the primary source of power for all ship systems, supplanted by the vessel’s conventional deuterium fusion and impulse reactors.

Tactical and Defensive Systems

Primary defensive systems aboard the Lafayette-class are comprised of a large scale covariant shielding array, capable of withstanding a significant barrage of incoming particle or projectile weaponry. This oversized shielding array, typically found on larger vessels comes from the Cygnus-class development project and leads the Mk-III Lafayette-class to have one of the most powerful shielding arrays to be installed in a ship of this size.

The Siva herself is also equipped with a strategic application of ablative hull armour around key stress points, such as the warp nacelles, and connecting pylons to the mission pods.

In keeping with the ship’s designation as a destroyer, the Lafayette-class carries a respectable array of offensive weaponry. The primary hull holds two collimated phaser arrays, one dorsal, one ventral. A single smaller phaser array is present on the ventral side of the secondary hull, aft of the lower mission pod. The final four arrays are located outboard of the main hull structures, with two arrays on the ventral side of the far extension of the warp nacelles pylons, and the remaining two on the dorsal side of the nacelles themselves.

Siva additionally carries four torpedo tubes, one to fore, three aft. The forward launcher is located directly above the primary deflector dish within the dorsal interconnect, while the remaining three launch tubes are located along the aft portion of the secondary hull. The forward launcher is a dual-mode device, capable of launching either photon or quantum torpedoes. It is fed by a magazine containing 40 photon torpedoes and 10 quantum torpedoes in its regular configuration. The three aft launchers are single-mode devices, capable of firing photon torpedoes only. They share a magazine containing 80 photon torpedoes.

In addition to the above, the Siva may also be equipped with a tactical loadout of her mission pods, allowing for significantly increased torpedo capability, with up to 90 additional quantum torpedoes. These pods can also be supplied with varying munition types, being able to fire almost any projectile with only minor modifications required.

Auxiliary Craft

Siva is equipped with a large primary shuttle bay, utilizing the same launch control systems employed on Andromeda-class vessels. There are also an additional two large multi-purpose bays, on the ventral side of the secondary hull structure. In a standard configuration, the primary shuttle bay will hold the entire complement of auxiliary craft, with the multi-purpose bays typically being used as additional cargo storage.

Siva carries six Type 8 Shuttlecraft, two Type 11 Shuttlecraft, four Type 14 Shuttlecraft, six Argo Class Runabouts and eight CMU Workbees.

While larger vessels such as the Danube and Yellowstone-class Runabouts are capable of landing in the primary shuttle bay, the lower bays have slightly easier clearance, and are preferred for these forms of crafts.


Senior Officers and Department Heads



Kara Blake




Alya Ashodi


Hejar Prin




Damal Almrez

First Officer Lieutenant Commander Sorek

Serving as the Executive Officer and Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Siva, Lieutenant Commander Sorek was raised in the traditions of logic and discipline. From a young age, he exhibited an exceptional aptitude for science, particularly in astrophysics and xenobiology.

Sorek’s journey to Starfleet was driven by his insatiable curiosity about the universe and a desire to explore the unknown. He excelled at the Vulcan Science Academy before attending Starfleet Academy, where he graduated at the top of his class. His logical approach to problem-solving and his ability to remain calm under pressure quickly earned him a reputation as a brilliant officer.

As the Executive Officer of the USS Siva, Sorek is second-in-command and a trusted advisor to the Captain. His duties are vast, overseeing ship operations, crew performance, and mission planning. His role as Chief Science Officer allows him to delve into scientific mysteries, often leading away missions to new planets or conducting experiments that push the boundaries of current Federation knowledge.

Despite his adherence to Vulcan logic, Sorek has learned to appreciate the diverse perspectives of his crewmates. His interactions with other species and cultures have subtly influenced him, allowing him to understand and sometimes even embrace the emotional nuances of his colleagues.

Chief Operations Officer Lieutenant Commander Alya Ashodi

The spirited Andorian Chief Operations Officer of the USS Siva was born into a proud Starfleet serving family on Andoria. While Starfleet service has long being a staple of Ashodi family history, Alya was the first, and so far only, member to have been accepted to the Starfleet Officer’s Academy.

Alya’s younger brother, serving as a Non-Commissioned Officer on Deep Space 7, has been both a rival and an inspiration throughout her life. Their friendly competition drove Alya to excel in her studies and training, and while not directly linked to her successful application to Starfleet Academy, most likely helped.

Her recent tour of the Delta Quadrant as part of a joint mission with the Khitomer Alliance has left Alya with invaluable experience and a deep understanding of operations in uncharted territories. Her tactical acumen and quick thinking have proven essential during critical moments, especially when navigating through the complex political landscapes of the Delta Quadrant.

As Chief Operations Officer, Alya is responsible for the smooth functioning of all ship systems and the well-being of the crew. Her hands-on approach and ability to anticipate the needs of the USS Siva have made her an indispensable member of the command team.

Alya’s Andorian heritage brings a unique perspective to her role, blending fierce loyalty with an innate sense of camaraderie. Her experiences have taught her the importance of unity and cooperation among diverse species, values that she upholds every day aboard the USS Siva.

With a heart as fierce as the icy winds of Andoria and a mind as sharp as her antennae, Lieutenant Commander Alya Ashodi stands ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead for the USS Siva and her crew.

Chief Engineer Lieutenant Hejar Prin

Lieutenant Hejar Prin serves as the Chief Engineer aboard the USS Siva. As a transgender woman hailing from a deeply conservative culture, she has faced the intricate challenges of Cardassian society to accept her true identity. Coming from a family with a long military tradition on Cardassia Prime, Hejar has always shown a profound passion for mechanics and innovation since her youth.

While Hejar’s journey was laden with obstacles, it also bestowed upon her life a sense of clarity and resolve. Within Starfleet, an organization that cherished her abilities and identity, she has discovered a sense of belonging and comradarie. Her profound knowledge of warp field dynamics and interstellar propulsion systems swiftly secured her the role of Chief Engineer on the USS Siva.

In her role, Hejar oversees the maintenance and operation of all engineering systems on the ship. Her keen analytical mind and creative problem-solving abilities are a vital skill and valued contribution to the Siva’s senior staff. Whether fine-tuning the warp core or improvising repairs in the heat of battle, Hejar’s leadership is unwavering.

Having a unique perspective on diversity and inclusion, she actively promotes these values within her engineering team. Hejar’s story is one of triumph over adversity, embodying the spirit of exploration and acceptance that defines the best of Starfleet.

Chief Tactical Officer Lieutenant JG Arat’Atar

Lieutenant Junior Grade Arat’Atar is a Jem’Hadar officer aboard the USS Siva. His presence on the ship is as much a symbol of change as it is a personal journey. Born in the Gamma Quadrant and engineered to serve the Founders, Arat’Atar’s life was once defined by his dependence on Ketracel White, a substance that controlled his will and sustained his physiology.

However, Arat’Atar’s path diverged when he encountered Starfleet and learned of the possibility of life beyond servitude. With the help of Federation doctors and scientists, he began the arduous process of purging his reliance on Ketracel White. This treatment, both medical and psychological, is ongoing, representing his struggle for autonomy and self-determination.

The decision to appoint him as Tactical Officer, despite his lesser experience compared to other candidates, raised some eyebrows. Nevertheless, Commander Blake recognized the potential in his distinctive outlook and chose to gamble on the relatively green officer.

His background as a Jem’Hadar warrior provides a unique angle to his role, proving invaluable in tactical scenarios. More importantly, it’s his developing grasp of liberty and selfhood that adds depth to the team. His service is marked by a commendable sense of honor and integrity, defying the common prejudices held against his kind.

Arat’Atar’s journey is not without its difficulties; the remnants of his conditioning still linger, and he must constantly navigate the complexities of his new life. Yet, his commitment to contributing to the Siva’s mission is unwavering. While he has formed few interpersonal relationships so far, the ones he has are sure to have a lasting impact.

Chief Medical Officer Lieutenant Commander Damal Almrez

Lieutenant Commander Damal Almrez is the Trill Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Siva and carries with him the scars and wisdom of a seasoned Starfleet veteran. His service during the Dominion War left an indelible mark on his soul, witnessing both the horrors of conflict and the resilience of the spirit.

After the war, Damal left Starfleet, seeking solace and a sense of normalcy away from the frontlines. He spent years delving into medical research, hoping to find new ways to heal not just physical wounds but also the psychological traumas that so many veterans carried with them.

However, when the Hur’q threatened the galaxy, Damal felt a duty to return to Starfleet. His expertise and veteran insight were invaluable during this tumultuous time, and he found himself once again donning the uniform he had set aside.

As Chief Medical Officer on the Siva, Damal is a pillar of strength and compassion. His hands have mended countless injuries, and his presence has soothed many troubled minds. He mentors his medical staff not only in the art of healing but also in understanding the deeper impacts of their work on the lives of those they save.

Damal’s experiences have taught him that medicine is as much about empathy as it is about science. His return to Starfleet is a testament to his commitment to serving others, and his presence aboard the Siva is a constant reminder that even in the darkest times, hope and healing are possible.

Damal and Arat’Atar

Contrary to some expectations, Damal’s interactions with Arat’Atar are a blend of professional medical oversight and personal mentorship. Damal, with his deep understanding of the traumas of war and the complexities of recovery, sees in Arat’Atar a kindred spirit—someone fighting to redefine themselves in the aftermath of conflict.

Damal has been instrumental in Arat’Atar’s treatment to purge his reliance on Ketracel White. He approaches the Jem’Hadar officer’s care with a mix of scientific rigor and genuine concern, often spending extra hours in the medbay researching alternative therapies that could ease Arat’Atar’s transition to independence.

Their relationship, however, extends beyond patient and doctor. Damal recognizes the isolation that can come from being different, from carrying a past that few can understand. He often engages Arat’Atar in conversations about identity, choice, and the future—topics that resonate with both due to their unique life experiences.

In turn, Arat’Atar has come to respect Damal not only as a healer but as a mentor. The Trill’s calm demeanor and wise counsel provide a stabilizing influence for the Jem’Hadar officer as he navigates his new life. Together, they represent the USS Siva’s commitment to diversity, healing, and growth, both on a personal level and within the broader scope of Starfleet’s mission.

Further Reading/Roleplaying Information

Ship Capabilities


While she does have an extensive suite of defensive and offensive capabilities at her disposal for her weight and classification, Siva is not designed to withstand a sustained fight or one with multiple aggressors, if alone. Cassini is instead designed to be fast and hard hitting in an opening engagement. Capable of catching vessels off guard using her powerful phaser arrays, she is more suited to hit and run tactics than battles of attrition.

Crew Logs
