U.S.S. Defender Senior Officer Logs

U.S.S. Defender Senior Officer Logs

Below logs contain references to Shroud of Stars AAR

Captain, H’Ltol Sh’ow

Captain's log Stardate 100502.7

I should had done this log sooner after the Defender’s first engagement as part of the 38th Fleet, however due to being tied up with checking on the crew and ensuring that repairs are being carried out I let this slip by, and yes I know as a Captain I should leave some duties to my XO but he is busy enough settling in and with his own duties that doing the rounds myself isn’t too much of a problem.

My first deployment as the official Captain of the U.S.S. Defender, the crew seem to be adjusting to the change well and have welcomed the few new faces we took on before departing dock to be deployed to this fleet, and I have to say I am very proud of the crew and the way they responded to the action we saw, so soon after transferring to the 38th Fleet.

The crew all handled deployment well with only one injury of note in the last action and one noted panic attack, which I have been told is being monitored to see how the situation develops, but given I am expecting the Defender to see a lot more action during the deployment here at least until he war is over, I doubt that the crew will be returning to more peaceful pursuits for awhile yet, though I can only praise the crew for how they handled the matters and how they are working to manage to keep the Defender combat effective and allowing the ship to live up to the name it was given.

Chief Engineer, Coyez Kaseex

Chief Engineer's log Stardate 100485.9

The Captain has asked I keep my the Senior staff logs up to date for the Defender and since we have arrived at the 38th Fleet, I personally have not noticed any notable differences, yep the Captain has changed but well we are still dealing with Romulan’s and putting the ship’s combat performance to good use, she might not be the newest ship in the fleet but she can still hold her own and certainly did in the latest engagement and really put her name to good use

We got some good hits in and took some hits in return, I have crews working around the clock, to ensure we have all the repairs done but we are mostly getting through them at a good pace, thanks to the skills of the engineers I am in charge of, even some of the new guys are keeping up with is good to see.

Glad none of my teams had panic attacks, that would have been embarrassing but well Ensign Rhasorn broke their leg when the shuttlebay took a hit, glad it wasn’t much worse the kid does good work. Might recommend him for some kind of award for their injury but for now my focus is keeping the ship at full combat readiness, but will go see Lt Nightingale for any notes he might have on ship readiness

Chief Medical Officer, H’Llu Hsnte

Chief Medical Officer's log Stardate 100480.9

First deployment in deep space on a starship and I am sent right to the through, luckily so far it has been mostly cuts and bruises, despite the Captain putting the ship in harms way during the combat we have seen, and the one broken leg I have dealt with is already mended

Whilst I am happy for the lack of Medical cases, I am not enjoying having to regularly run drills on dealing with more serious injuries from serious combat, which the Captain is having me run. He has had security and medical staff running drills none stop to ensure we are ready, but for what he won’t tell me, just that he wants his staff ready for the worst, in my book that means fatal injuries but I hope this isn’t the case

Chief Of Security, Jack Nightingale

Chief Of Security's log Stardate 100490.9

More Romulan’s, Defender got a few good shots in and even got a few kills with the help of other ships we where deployed with, seems the ship is holding up well, and am glad to see the fuzz ball in the chair is able to hold his own even as the full Captain now

Got security running more drills to ensure we are ready in case we get boarded, but well from how combat has been so far doubt that will happen, though doesn’t stop us needing to be ready, also means security staff can be deployed on away missions if needed

Executive Officer, C’Roren M’Grora

Executive Officer Stardate 100500.5

Been first officer of the Defender since H’Ltol took over as Captain, good to see he is able to handle himself in command, heard a few things about his time in command when the previous Captain was unable to be at his post, but well seeing the Captain in action is good, he seems to put the lives of the crew, as well as the crews of starships we are supporting above the destruction of hostiles which is good, ships can be repair, good officers are harder to come by and take longer to train

I have been overseeing readiness drills of the Security and Medical departments since the operation we where involved in to help ensure we are still combat effective, despite the damage we took. I am also glad to see ship and crew have handle both the changes we have seen, as well as the combat we have been engaged it, Defender by name Defender by nature it seems, given we where trying to help take heat off supporting ships, hopeful we are able to return to more peaceful pursuits soon, but until then I am confident ship and crew can handle the current war, at least if the last combat action was anything to go by.

OOC Senior staff logs for H’Ltol and the NPC senior staff, following Shroud of Stars, this area will be used for any further logs, and will be an area where player staff are welcome to post their own senior staff logs, if the NPCs are replaced by staff

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U.S.S. Defender Senior Officer Logs

Below is a recording of the recent senior officer meeting aboard the U.S.S. Defender, following the events of AAR: Seconds Out, Round Two

The Recording starts with H’Ltol sat at the head of the Conference table, with all his staff apart from Jack sat around the table, all having Padds infront of them with their notes for the meeting

Jack suddenly walks into the conference room and clears his throat as he holds a padd in his left hand “Sorry for being late Captain… Charles threw up on the carpet… and I had to clean it before it stunk up the place…” he said sitting at his place at the table

H’Ltol nods slowly and purrs softly as he gives a soft smile “It is alright Lieutenant, but next time please contact us so we know… we nearly started without you… right… so as I was saying before the recording kicked in… we have been assigned to attempt diplomatic contact with the Citali… if recent intel is correct, these people have had no contact with anyone due to a lack of warp capable vessels, but well information is changing all the time so it is possible that is outdated… meaning”

Before H’Ltol could finish Coyez Kaseex the chief engineering clears his throat and jumps in and starts to speak “Meaning Captain… we could be walking into a trap… or could be walking into a place where people don’t want our help…”

C’Roren the XO nods slowly and taps on his padd a little “I have taken the chance to read up on reports… and I agree with Commander Kaseex some what… but well it is why we have other ships tagging along right?, strength in numbers…”

Jack nods slowly and reads something on his padd “If I understand it, we currently have the Heimdall, the Delphi and the Forrestal coming to meet up with us… four ships… two of which are carriers… could easily look like an attack group to the unaware.”

T’ran the Chief Science nods slowly “Whilst crude the Lieutenant Nightingale’s assessment is correct, if I recall information correct this system has been host to Terran attacks before, and from a distance Federation and Terran ships share many design ques… safety in numbers is a sensible course until it gets in the way of diplomacy”

H’Ltol nods slowly and purrs gently as he looks around the table “Yes… we have other ships on route… and we are all meeting outside of Confederacy boarders to ensure we have a clear plan in place before we proceed, I personally am going to suggest limiting our numbers in system too three, us, the Heimdall and the Forrestal. I suggest this as we have no prior contact with the world… the Heimdall due to her Captain’s past with the system, and the Forrestal as her Captain has experience no matter how bad dealing with the Confederacy across the table”

H’Llu Hsnte the Medical Chief clears his throat and grunts softly “I will prepare sickbay to handle anything that is throw at us… given if we are dealing with a former enemy there is no promise they won’t just start shooting”

Coyez nodded slowly and folds his arms grunting softly “I will make sure my staff are ready to get us out of here in a hurry… as if your taking people with past experience with them… that is a double edged sword… could easily back fire… I would rather have that Bajoran tagging along… even if she is just in a Miranda class…”

Jack nods slowly and taps on his padd a little “Understood Captain… I will do my best to ensure weapons and shields are ready… of course I don’t want to have to use them, but better to have them ready and not need them…” Jack narrowed his eyes at Coyez about the Miranda comment

C’Roren nods slowly and purrs softly as he stretches a little “My advise is we all need to pull our weight to support the Captains… it is going to take all the support we can give to pull this off… but our diplomatic rooms and guest rooms are ready if we need to host anyone… I made sure to check that S’Tau picked up all the Lego before he left…”

H’Ltol nods slowly and looks around the table smiling gently “I know since I took command it has just been combat… even dealing with bugs has been less than peaceful, but this is our chance to make a diplomatic impact… so I want everyone to prepare for the worst but hope for the best… I know this is new to a few of us, but together we can get this done… we are the crew of the Defender… we have bested the borg… and helped bring an end to the Romulan civil war… we can do this… now everyone dismissed… I want department status reports on my desk by 0800 tomorrow morning”

Most of the senior staff nod and slowly start to shuffle out, however C’Roren remains behind and looks to H’Ltol “So… you have done the combat… now time to play the diplomat huh?” he said as he stretches a little

H’Ltot nods slowly and stands up slowly from the table “Captain Tirrim taught me a few things about diplomacy during our time with the Romulans… before the war I mean… she mentored me a lot on diplomatic talks… hopefully I don’t screw it up… but I will have support from other Captains if needed, one big diplomatic team”

C’Roren nods slowly and seems to twiddle his thumbs a little “Yeah… well figured I would hang back after everyone has left… figured would tell you in private… I am currently looking at my options for a posting closer to my family… me and my wife have been talking about it a lot recently…”

H’Ltol nods slowly and gives a small frown as he walks over to C’Roren purring gently “I understand my friend… I would be sad to lose you… but you have to do what is best for you… no matter what… I know being posted to the Defender and swanning off across Argo’s operational area isn’t easy on family life”

C’Roren nods and smiles softly “Yeah… even considering a post in the CDF… they are always looking for good command track officers… and most of my stuff is easily applicable… for now it is just in talks… so please… for this mission… don’t get anyone killed… drunk sure… just not killed”

H’Ltol chuckles softly and looks to C’Roren as he purrs softly, the pair starting to walk from the room “The Captain shouldn’t have touched the glowing rock… that was his fault… but I will try this time… it is just attempts to get talks going… what is the worst that could happen?”

C’Roren chuckles and lightly punches H’Ltol in the left arm “Stop saying that… your gonna jinx us… don’t want to mess up your first time in the big chair do you? oh… and computer end recording”

The recording ends as H’Ltol and C’Roren leave the conference room, an audible beep is heard signaling the recording has stopped

U.S.S. Defender Senior Officer Logs

Below is a recording of the recent senior officer meeting aboard the U.S.S. Defender, following the events of AAR: It's Warpin' Time

The Recording starts with H’Ltol sat at a table in a holographic recreation of a Caitian bar, in one of the holosuites on DS13, holding a glass of whiskey as he waited for the other remaining senior staff to show up, with C’Roren and Jack at the table with him, all where in off-duty clothes that had recently been replicated

C’Roren taps on his padd as he looks around a little, still missing his left arm as he grunted “Think this is it boss… think Commander T’Ran and the most senior remaining doctor are skipping…”

H’Ltol sips his drink as he nodded being careful to not knock the burned side of his face, which had been tended too but was still missing fur, with his hands still covered by gloves “Understood… figured we would have a more relaxed meeting… to discuss the recent… mission”

Jack nodded slowly as he sips on his soda he had, still refusing anything stronger to drink “Understood Captain… I spoke to Commander T’Ran earlier… she is doing her best to help her staff, same with the remains of the Medical staff…”

H’Ltol nods and stretches a little as he leans back in his chair and purrs softly “Understood Jack… how is security holding up? injuries treated… people settling into guest quarters alright?”

Jack nodded slowly, before C’Roren spoke up and clears his throat “Captain… any word on what will happen now? I know a few of the staff are looking for posts elsewhere once the investigation is done… but what about you?”

H’Ltol shrugs softly and sighs as he purrs gently “I wait for the outcome of the investigation and then do what command tells me… am still busy working out if it was my own fault internally”

Jack looks to H’Ltol and nods slowly as he sips his drink “Captain… last time I checked… alien death ray ship was not something on the brief… or in the what to expect Captain’s training…” his combadge chirps in his pocket and he pulls it from his pocket “Well I got a few minutes then need to head out”

C’Roren nods slowly and purrs gently as he puts his padd down and uses his right hand to pick up his coffee and sip from it “So… everyone read the news rag… that leaked our ship going bang?” he asks as he looks around the table “On that subject… do we know if it was anyone from our ship?”

Jack shakes his head as he sips his drink and then stretches a little in his seat “I… did some discreet asking around the staff that would talk to me… if it was anyone from our ship, no one is owning up to it… but there where a lot of people that saw the ship go up… not to mention the staff that saw us come back to the station… the Ops staff that helped us get settled… it is a long list of possible leaks, I am not pointing fingers… just saying it is a long list of people that could know what happened or assume it”

H’Ltol nods slowly and leans back a little sighing softly “Great… my screw up made the news… least the only one of my family that has read it will be my Mam… Rria and my grandparents will be waiting for official news… and I hope Sejea is doing the same…”

C’Roren nods slowly and sips his coffee as he sighs “Yeah… my wife read it too… and rang me in a panic… just a word of caution… avoid Cait till she calms down… she ain’t too happy I lost an arm dragging your arse from the ship… speaking of Sejea… you rang her to tell her your alright? mean… she has access to the AAR records but…” C’Roren trails off as he grunted a little

H’Ltol shakes his head and purrs gently “Been busy… writing letters to the families of people we lost…” he then looks to Jack “By all means ask the remains of our crew… but leave the station to the staff that work here… I know you want to help… but we are just bunking here… lets not tread on any toes”

Jack nods slowly and stands up saluting H’Ltol as he smiles warmly “Yes Captain… I am gonna go and check on the remains of my staff now… and just so you know… where you go… we go” Jack then left the holosuite, having been the least injured of the three

C’Roren then shakes his head and sighs softly as he leans back too and rubs his eyes after putting his coffee cup down “Good kid… loyal…” he then looks to H’Ltol “So… your Mam read the gossip rag huh?”

H’Ltol nods slowly and stretches a little as he sighs and rubs his eyes “Yeah… she tried to ring me a few times… but well I just left it to ring out…” he then looks to C’Roren and sighs rubbing his eyes “Am… sorry this happened… I should have reacted quicker… done something…”

C’Roren grunts and leans on the table as he looks to H’Ltol and purrs gently “Look… as Jack said… Alien death ray ain’t really something anyone can prepare for… our shields lasted only a couple of seconds at most… and our ship was once one of the top ships in the fleet… it had no hope of holding up to that… but questioning yourself… is what makes you a good Captain… I don’t regret coming along for this… but well once the investigation is done… your gonna need to find a new XO…”

Before H’Ltol could speak up C’Roren slides H’Ltol his padd and purrs gently “Now… your Mam is at the academy right… I will sit here out of view… now you ring her and sort this out…”

H’Ltol sighs and nods slowly as he wasn’t really in the mood to argue, he then taps on the padd and connects a call to Starfleet Academy “I wish to speak to Professor Sh’ow… it is her son… H’Ltol…” after a few moments a female Caitian with black fur, light brown eyes, and long black hair with red highlights in it, with her dressed in a science uniform, would appear on screen “Hey… Mam…”

H’Morri looks at her son on the screen she was sat in front of at her desk and she grunted a little “Hello Son… alive I see… and badly burned… took you long enough to ring me… too embarrassed of your failure to speak to me?” she said holding her arms in a rather stern way

H’Ltol grunted gently and looks to his mother, already tensing his gloved hand that wasn’t holding the padd into a fist “No… mother I have been very busy… dealing with this… there are investigations to be done… reports to be filed… families to notify”

C’Roren looked over at H’Ltol, as did Jack who had snuck back into the holosuite to check on the pair

H’Morri grunts again and stretches a little “If you have called to just disappoint me further… I do have work to do… and am sure you would rather speak to that Bajoran G’vlo, than your own mother… given how long it has taken you to call me after this incident… I had hoped you had done something to make me proud and that was why you refused my calls”

H’Ltol sighs softly and rubs his eyes as he grunted gently “Mam… you could at least say it is nice to know I am alive… and alright… or you know… act like you care?”

H’Morri narrows her eyes at her son on screen “Why would I do that? you refuse to go back to Cait and find a proper women so I can have grandkids I am proud of… like your brother you take assignments that have you far away from family… you barely call me… and unlike your father… you have done nothing to make me proud… at least your father followed tradition… and went down with the ship…”

H’Ltol growls rather loudly and bares his sharp teeth to his mother, his grip on the padd tightening, however before H’Ltol can have a chance to respond, C’Roren quickly grabs the padd and Jack quickly comes up behind H’Ltol and grabs the Captain’s wrists to pin them against the table

C’Roren looks at H’Morri on the padd and blinks “Wow… alright Mrs. Sh’ow… when your done being heartless… feel free to contact your son again… … for now… bye” Just as H’Morri shouts C’Roren’s name into the camera C’Roren disconnects the call and breathes softly “So… we report this to SFA staff… or we just leave it?” he asks as he looks between the two, nodding at Jack to release H’Ltol

Jack lets go of H’Ltol’s wrists and stands back as he gulps softly “Sorry Captain… just… didn’t want you breaking the padd… I can see why you don’t like her”

H’Ltol grunts softly and stands up slowly as he growls again "I am going to my bunk to sleep… " he had both his hands clenched into fists as he stormed from the holosuite

Jack then looks to C’Roren and rubs the back of his head “I… am going from context… that G’vlo is bad… yeah? like really bad…”

C’Roren sighs and stands up “Computer… end program… and yes Jack… if I said the translation it would get bleeped out… trust me… it is bad…” he rubs his eyes softly and sighs “Damn… I knew she was bad since H’Ltol’s Dad passed… but that was just cold…”

Jack nods slowly and frowns softly as he rubs the back of his head again “I… will go keep an eye on the Captain… make sure he is alright…” he goes to leave as the holoprogram ends but C’Roren stops him

C’Roren puts his right hand on Jack’s shoulder and shakes his head “You… wouldn’t get through to him… he just needs time… I will do some discreet contacting of my own… see if I can get someone to drop in and cheer him up… he won’t do anything stupid… at least not without permission” he gives a weak chuckle “Now… come on… we better get some shut eye ourselves… I have a letter to write to the CDF in the morning…”

The Recording stops with C’Roren and Jack leaving the holosuite to return to their rooms for some much needed rest, with C’Roren preparing to depart once the investigation into the loss of the Defender was sorted, and Jack preparing for his next assignment

OOC Brief last recording with the main three remaining SOs of the Defender