U.S.S. Defender Senior Officer Logs

U.S.S. Defender Senior Officer Logs

Below logs contain references to Shroud of Stars AAR

Captain, H’Ltol Sh’ow

Captain's log Stardate 100502.7

I should had done this log sooner after the Defender’s first engagement as part of the 38th Fleet, however due to being tied up with checking on the crew and ensuring that repairs are being carried out I let this slip by, and yes I know as a Captain I should leave some duties to my XO but he is busy enough settling in and with his own duties that doing the rounds myself isn’t too much of a problem.

My first deployment as the official Captain of the U.S.S. Defender, the crew seem to be adjusting to the change well and have welcomed the few new faces we took on before departing dock to be deployed to this fleet, and I have to say I am very proud of the crew and the way they responded to the action we saw, so soon after transferring to the 38th Fleet.

The crew all handled deployment well with only one injury of note in the last action and one noted panic attack, which I have been told is being monitored to see how the situation develops, but given I am expecting the Defender to see a lot more action during the deployment here at least until he war is over, I doubt that the crew will be returning to more peaceful pursuits for awhile yet, though I can only praise the crew for how they handled the matters and how they are working to manage to keep the Defender combat effective and allowing the ship to live up to the name it was given.

Chief Engineer, Coyez Kaseex

Chief Engineer's log Stardate 100485.9

The Captain has asked I keep my the Senior staff logs up to date for the Defender and since we have arrived at the 38th Fleet, I personally have not noticed any notable differences, yep the Captain has changed but well we are still dealing with Romulan’s and putting the ship’s combat performance to good use, she might not be the newest ship in the fleet but she can still hold her own and certainly did in the latest engagement and really put her name to good use

We got some good hits in and took some hits in return, I have crews working around the clock, to ensure we have all the repairs done but we are mostly getting through them at a good pace, thanks to the skills of the engineers I am in charge of, even some of the new guys are keeping up with is good to see.

Glad none of my teams had panic attacks, that would have been embarrassing but well Ensign Rhasorn broke their leg when the shuttlebay took a hit, glad it wasn’t much worse the kid does good work. Might recommend him for some kind of award for their injury but for now my focus is keeping the ship at full combat readiness, but will go see Lt Nightingale for any notes he might have on ship readiness

Chief Medical Officer, H’Llu Hsnte

Chief Medical Officer's log Stardate 100480.9

First deployment in deep space on a starship and I am sent right to the through, luckily so far it has been mostly cuts and bruises, despite the Captain putting the ship in harms way during the combat we have seen, and the one broken leg I have dealt with is already mended

Whilst I am happy for the lack of Medical cases, I am not enjoying having to regularly run drills on dealing with more serious injuries from serious combat, which the Captain is having me run. He has had security and medical staff running drills none stop to ensure we are ready, but for what he won’t tell me, just that he wants his staff ready for the worst, in my book that means fatal injuries but I hope this isn’t the case

Chief Of Security, Jack Nightingale

Chief Of Security's log Stardate 100490.9

More Romulan’s, Defender got a few good shots in and even got a few kills with the help of other ships we where deployed with, seems the ship is holding up well, and am glad to see the fuzz ball in the chair is able to hold his own even as the full Captain now

Got security running more drills to ensure we are ready in case we get boarded, but well from how combat has been so far doubt that will happen, though doesn’t stop us needing to be ready, also means security staff can be deployed on away missions if needed

Executive Officer, C’Roren M’Grora

Executive Officer Stardate 100500.5

Been first officer of the Defender since H’Ltol took over as Captain, good to see he is able to handle himself in command, heard a few things about his time in command when the previous Captain was unable to be at his post, but well seeing the Captain in action is good, he seems to put the lives of the crew, as well as the crews of starships we are supporting above the destruction of hostiles which is good, ships can be repair, good officers are harder to come by and take longer to train

I have been overseeing readiness drills of the Security and Medical departments since the operation we where involved in to help ensure we are still combat effective, despite the damage we took. I am also glad to see ship and crew have handle both the changes we have seen, as well as the combat we have been engaged it, Defender by name Defender by nature it seems, given we where trying to help take heat off supporting ships, hopeful we are able to return to more peaceful pursuits soon, but until then I am confident ship and crew can handle the current war, at least if the last combat action was anything to go by.

OOC Senior staff logs for H’Ltol and the NPC senior staff, following Shroud of Stars, this area will be used for any further logs, and will be an area where player staff are welcome to post their own senior staff logs, if the NPCs are replaced by staff

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