LCDR Burov, K.
LOCATION Citali System, Alpha-7190 Sector
MISSION Intelligence operation to place specific misinformation in Terran hands.
OUTCOME Presumed success with acceptable losses.
- CAPT Nimitz, USS Pegasus
- CAPT sh’Sonora, USS Baton Rouge
- CMDR Tyrstoc, USS Moytura
- SCDR T’Valerius, USS Atlantis
- CAPT Roh’khan, IKS Qul Cha’bIp
- CMDR North, Starfleet Intelligence - MIA
NARRATIVE Selected officers were gathered to a briefing on Talos Junction. Briefing provided by reporting officer. Officers were given the following information:
Starfleet Intelligence has been in contact with an Azedi resistance cell on Citali. The Azedi resistance has informed Starfleet that they are aware of twelve Etnoziroh-class dreadnoughts that survived the Terran invasion and that they are presently located in Star System I-7815, but unable to travel or defend themselves due to the Terran anti-navigation weapon. The resistance cell has also informed Starfleet that a scientist on Citali has worked out a fix for the anti-navigation weapon, which can be applied immediately to the dreadnought fleet.
Task force’s mission was to proceed to Citali. Commander North and support team to beam down to designated resistance cell location, locate specified scientist, and evac back to task force. Task force
was then to proceed to phase 2 – travel directly to I-7815 and rendezvous with the Azedi dreadnought fleet. Transfer Citali scientist to the Azedi fleet to effect repairs. If repairs are successful, escort the dreadnoughts to safety in Federation space. If repairs unsuccessful or Terrans arrive before complete, task force was ordered to tow as many dreadnoughts as possible back to friendly territory and evacuate any that must be left behind.
This briefing was purely disinformation. The Citali resistance cell was previously compromised by Terran efforts to eliminate wormhole knowledge, and Starfleet Intelligence became aware of a location that was being monitored by a Terran ground team. This provided the perfect opportunity to feed the Terrans a believable story, with a method of passing them that intelligence without them suspecting a ruse. In actuality, there is no Azedi fleet at I-7815. The system is simply a tactically advantageous location where Starfleet will be able to prepare an ambush for the Terran fleet.
The mission was timed such that the task force would arrive to light resistance, but soon encounter a regular Terran patrol, known to be superior to the Starfleet force committed. This timing was meant to allow deployment of the away team, but to force a hasty retreat to avoid an excessive casualty rate.
The decoy mission proceeded apace. All five vessels arrived at Citali and met light resistance. A single Terran escort, ISS Paladin, was destroyed, but it managed to send a distress call to its home strike group. After dispatching the escort, task force proceeded into orbit and Commander North’s away team was inserted to the planet.
Before long, the Terran patrol was detected and engaged in orbit. The away team was likewise engaged by the Terran ground team, and trapped by a transporter inhibitor field. Despite overwhelming odds, the task force remained for an extended battle, destroying five Terran ships in the process. While the others fought, USS Moytura attempted to rescue the away team using a MACO Team deployed by runabout, precision orbital bombardment, and eventually a security detachment deployed by transporter.
Though it was a valiant effort, success from their point of view was never a possibility. The final nail came in the form of a second Terran strike group, responding to ISS Paladin’s distress call. The task force was forced to withdraw. Three members of the away team were confirmed KIA. Two are presumed captured, including Commander North. Some vessels of the task force suffered serous damage before withdrawing, adding to the illusion of realism for this operation.
RECOMMENDATION Preliminary reports from the mission indicate that the true objective remained unknown to both the Terrans and the members of the friendly task force. Commander North and her compatriot are likely to succumb to Terran interrogation techniques and “truthfully” reveal the misinformation they were provided in the mission briefing. Because of the need to ensure that the information is fully conveyed, and because Terran standard procedure is to execute prisoners after interrogation, we cannot recommend genuine rescue efforts at this time.
Starfleet Intelligence estimates that the threat of twelve potentially operational Azedi dreadnoughts will require the Terrans to commit over 70% of their remaining starships to an operation combating them, providing an opening for a decisive battle to take place in a predetermined location and in such a way as to provide an overwhelming tactical advantage to Starfleet.
OOC This was the Sincerity event. We postponed for attendance, so thank you to you guys who came back for it, and to those who joined in and stuck around 'til the end! Especially thanks to Tyrstoc for doing some incredibly engaging narration, and to Katriel for letting me murder her away team. Sorry-not-sorry for feeding you all a bunch of lies <3