TO: CMDR North
CC: DS13/Command, DS13/Engineering, DS13/Science, U.S.S. Providence Command, Pariah Colony Command
SUBJ: Final call for proposals for Pariah situation
==Level 2 Encryption== |
Commander North,
I'm putting forward the proposal that's being worked on by
Subcommander Davin Mandukar,
Commander T'irin, and myself. In a nutshell this proposal uses information gleaned from the derelict vessel recovered from Pariah space. The
attached report will shed some further details on the process.
I'll hit the key points the make this project possible;
1. Polaric Radiation
Polaric radiation is rare in the Milky Way, however Pariah's star naturally emits a fair amount. The reasons for this are unknown, but we're using it to our advantage. It may have been much more common in Pariah's original galaxy. This radiation is harmless to organic substances but has a degrading effect on electronics and has been known to confuse sensors.
2. Mineral X
To the best of our knowledge, this mineral only occurs in the Pariah system. We've known it was an effective insulator against Polaric Radiation for some time. However recent test have revealed that the mineral actually absorbs the radiation, storing it. The mineral has a carrying capacity which is defined by the amount of the mineral present. When an electric current is applied to a saturated quantity of mineral X a burst of Tachyon particles is emitted.
To tie this together into a workable solution I'll walk you through how the derelict vessel utilized both parts. First, we now know the derelict once sported large sails used to collect Polaric radiation. This radiation was stored in large internal reservoirs. Mineral X makes up more then 60% of the derelicts hull, and is found in increasing amounts fore to aft. In essence whoever crewed the derelict utilized these systems to create pulsed tachyon bursts, propelling their vessel up to a warp three equivalent.
To answer your points:
1. The goal of this proposal is to find a permanent solution to the omega zone surrounding the Pariah system. This means of propulsion could be used indefinitely, with mining operations in the Rho-62 cluster of Pariah supporting.
2. There are a few things that remain before we can start using this reliably. First, the Providence is going to require a refit to modify, or simply add, the new drive system. All the components needed can be found either in system or can be replicated on board. Second, the mineral X recall currently underway is nearing completion. If our simulations are accurate we should have enough for live testing. We'll need to fabricate a drive system of our own, which would require minimal effort on the part of the Engineering Department.
3. This proposal is not a temporary solution. Vessels could continue back and forth to Pariah so long as mineral X is mined. A tri-propulsion system could be utilized on say, two to four specially constructed or modified cargo vessels. Warp drive to reach the omega zone, taychon pulses to navigate interplanetary space within the zone, and unmodified impulse drives to maneuver in gravity wells. This is a viable means to not only get our people on the Providence back home, but to ensure we don't lose access to the Pariah system and the colony.
All pertinent information is attached.
LTCMDR Everhart, Reese
Assistant Chief Science Officer, Deep Space 13
Derelict Vessel Report
Holosuite simulation logs.hdl
Lab Conclusion Report - Mineral X
Polaric Radiation Report