To: AMB Perim, N (@kermit) CC: RADM Quint, E (@Quint) From: RDML Bishop, S Subj: Traitors’ Rock Aftermath
Ambassador Perim,
Please see the attached report. I would like to speak with a member of the diplomatic corps to get an appraisal of the political situation regarding the Kingdom of Parin and how the actions stated in the report affect this.
To: RADM Quint, E (@Quint) CC: ~~ From: RDML Bishop, S Subj: Traitors’ Rock Aftermath
The report states:
Whilst I think placing the three Captains on administrative leave is extreme, we should look at this, moreso because this is going to affect our standing in the sector. In addition, we have the Crown Prince of Parin on the station, no doubt granting asylum to political dissidents is going to be an issue with them.
What do you think? An investigation is warranted, at the bare minimum, to decide if we can grant the prisoners asylum.
To: RDML Bishop @Sam CC: CAPT Nimitz @Nimitz From: Ambassador Perim Subj: RE: Traitors’ Rock Aftermath
This situation appears extremely delicate, and the reports available thus far are wholly inadequate. Captain Mirazuni’s addendum seems to indicate that an unspecified number of foreign prisoners were granted asylum by Captain Nimitz. I must therefore request an account of events from Captain Nimitz himself. As you know, the Federation will temporarily uphold an offer of asylum made by a Starfleet commanding officer, but such an offer must be reviewed by the Diplomatic Corps before permanent status is granted.
While I commend your officers for the detailed accounting of their handling of the medical situation, a great deal more overall information is required for such a review. It would be ideal if these points are covered in Captain Nimitz’s report, but if they are not, please ensure further addendums are provided to address the following:
What was the original objective of the mission resulting in the encounter with the prison facility? (How did we know to where to find it, and why did we go there?)
Did the facility broadcast a distress call or request for assistance? If so, was it before or after Starfleet initiated contact
Where is this facility located? Specifically, Federation space, unclaimed space, or space claimed by Parin (or some other local power)?
What were the away team's objectives upon boarding the facility?
Aside from medical and engineering assistance, what sort of aid did Starfleet render? Did we assist with riot control?
Did the prisoners specifically request asylum? If so, what were their reasons for doing so? (ie. why are we calling this an asylum request instead of a prison break?)
How many asylum-seekers did we remove from the prison?
Where are the asylum-seekers presently, and what is their condition?
Did we obtain any information on why they were imprisoned? (ideally from sources aside from word of mouth, but I'll take what we can get)
I can’t even begin to speculate on the political and diplomatic ramifications until we have a better understanding of what really happened out there. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
To: RDML Bishop CC: – From: RADM Emery Quint Subj: Re: Traitors’ Rock Aftermath
There is no easy answer to the questions laid out here. Captains are granted the authority to act in these cases based on their interpretation of the situation and Star Fleet Regulations. Often General Order one. We give them this in no small part to their proven ability to act accordingly.
That said, this is a rather complex incident. I think the saving grace we have here is the facility, if I understand correctly, was in neutral space. I think by design that limits us actually interfering in a Sovereign government’s internal politics. Being in unclaimed space opens the door if only just.
A society can be judged on how it treats its prisoners, especially political ones. I feel this lands in the same grounds as the incident on Angosia III when the Enterprise interfered in a similar situation. Though the results were different. It does set precedent.
I feel there is grounds for a review but I do not, at this time, feel it will be necessary to go beyond a verbal reprimand. I’d like to say its clear they bent the rule to fit the situation, but still were within grounds. If only by results, rather than action.
I think publicly we will defend the position they chose to take. Internally, at least to a small degree those involved need to be made aware they stepped a bit to far.
To: AMB Perim, N (@kermit) CC: RADM Quint, E (@Quint) From: RDML Bishop, S Subj: FW: RE: Traitors’ Rock Aftermath
Please see the forwarded message.
Emery has informed me of the best course of action to take on the fleet side; I’ll leave the diplomatic side to you. It would perhaps be best to liaise with the Parin ambassador on the station. If there is any accusations on Federation involvement, it should be stressed that the prisoners claimed asylum. Any issues the Kingdom of Parin would have should then be addressed to the Diplomatic Corps for the final decision on the request of asylum.
To: CAPT Mirazuni, A; CAPT Nimitz, A (@Nimitz); CAPT Skye, F (@FalconEcosse) CC: RADM Quint, E; AMB Perim, N From: RDML Bishop, S Subj: Traitors’ Rock Aftermath Enquiry
After reading the reports and speaking to Admiral Quint, we have decided that the actions made by the away team were within the scope of General Order One.
Captain Nimitz was well within his rights to grant asylum to the prisoners. The final decision on asylum will be decided by the diplomatic corps.
However, even though the actions were acceptable within General Orders, it is to be stressed that the situation should have been handled in a different matter. Asylum decision should not have been made in that situation and instead, should have been made after the mission was over and the diplomatic corps consulted before making a decision. This is even more true when working in the Kelterre and Doza Sectors where I have repeatedly stated that Captains must exercise more caution in their actions due to political pressures.
You are Captains because you have vast experience in these matters. Take a step back and look at the wider issues at stake before making decisions. Do not act purely on impulse. I do not want to have to reiterate this point again.