Talos Junction
Talos Junction is a planetside Starfleet Outpost in the Doza Sector, currently operated by the 38th Fleet. The outpost was established to serve as a listening post and logistics station in close proximity to the stable end of the Yuhop Wormhole. In addition to monitoring for the purposes of intelligence, surveillance, and early threat detection, Talos Junction serves as a subspace communications relay, starship resupply point, and platform for scientific study.
2416 saw the discovery of a semi-stable wormhole with a permanent terminus in the Yuhop System. While the Yuhop-end of the wormhole is constant, the opposite terminus ‘jumps’ across several local sectors. The newfound strategic significance of the Yuhop System, along with the discovery of several regional threats, led Starfleet to begin negotiations with the native Yuhop Corporatocracy for permission to establish a permanent presence in the system.
Before the end of the year, ‘Doza Outpost-1’ broke ground on an uninhabited island of the planet Atenalp. In a matter of weeks the outpost was operational and given its permanent designation, Talos Junction. As of mid-2417, three out of the planned five phases of construction have been completed.
At any given time, Talos Junction is staffed by a permanent crew of eight and supplemented by up to twenty additional officers and crew on rotation from Deep Space 13, as needed.
Kolya Burov
Shyr Th'iral
Gerrald Ghant
Demu Prux
Seve Ozala
Vullo Irami
Talos Junction is located on a remote island of Atenalp which, along with a section of surrounding ocean, have been leased to the Federation by the Yuhop Corporatocracy. Only a few lightyears from a four-sector intersection, and the site of a stable wormhole terminus, the Yuhop System is in a prime location to support extended operations, both exploratory and defensive.
Though ownership by the native civilization prevents the establishment of a more fortified Starfleet installation, Talos Junction remains arguably the most important strategic location in the entire region.
Communications Array
The primary reason for establishing the outpost, the Communications Array is a state of the art facility capable of broadcasting messages across entire sectors and beyond. Like other facilities on Talos the array has been heavily modified to support a much smaller working staff and is capable of full time operation with fewer than five personnel. During higher emission control states the array is run at very low power to avoid detection and operates only during scheduled windows with Deep Space 13.
Talos Junction’s mandate requires it to operate completely self-sufficiently and in very low power states. The hydroponics facility serves as the backbone of that effort by providing food at next to minimal power levels for both the permanent and rotation crews. The Talos crew has a small staple of crops that are grown around the clock and often add a variety of other crops on a rotating basis.
Water Purifier
After the initial Outpost crew discovered a bacterium in the planet’s water supply that caused physical changes if ingested a purifier was quickly built. Although the bacteria is non-harmful the resulting changes to the crew’s phenotype proved unsettling enough to ensure this became a top priority.
Geothermal Plant
Built in the remnants of an old on-site mine, this plant supplies the base with an over abundance of energy. Capable of powering an outpost several times larger this facility is also heavily automated to account for the small crew complement on station at any given time.
Water Turbine
Originally the first source of power for the outpost the turbine has been moved to a back-up role. If the geothermal plant is offline for maintenance or is somehow compromised this supplies the Outpost with enough power to operate.
Talos Junction does not carry any weaponry capable of attacking targets in orbit or the atmosphere. Instead, the Outpost relies entirely on reducing its emission signature. At normal operating levels the outpost is almost impossible to detect outside of, and difficult even to vessels within, the Yuhop system. The outpost has several emissions states beyond normal operating levels. At the highest even a vessel in geostationary orbit about the Outpost would have a difficult time picking it out from the background.
Support Craft
Talos Junction has access to a Delta-class runabout and a Type-8 shuttle, the U.S.S. Jules Verne and Shuttlecraft T’Mir, respectively.