To: RDML Bishop CC: From: RADM Emery Quint Subj: Review of AAR: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
I really don’t know where to begin. After reading this I immediately felt Star Fleet Command’s breath on my neck. The incident from before with Nimitz was something we could skirt and handle in house. This is well beyond that.
The amount of issues presented are as much the problem as the violation of General Order One. Now it can be pushed that failures in the Federation Anthropology site had created the situation in the first place, but its thin. The decisions of the Officers on site to deviate so far from established protocols cant be blamed on any failures in the former.
IF, and I stress the IF, there was a degree of risk of discovery by the level of present technology the prevented a beam out then the site needed to have been closed down long prior. Even with the incident of the probe colliding with the satellite, clearly to many risks were being taken and safety protocols were being ignored.
And we come to the choice to initiate first contact with a prewarp species. Sam I know this is your protégé and you old ship but, this is the other side of the coin when Captains has over step the rules.
I want a full review of all active Federation Anthropology sites in our operational area. This will include a ‘Risk-Needs’ assessment of the site, operational periods, and contingency plans for potential discovery/contamination/sterilization.
I understand that duty assignments will complicate it but we need to be having a conversation with the officers involved. I will be very surprised if Star Fleet Command leaves this in our hands but I want it to be clear we are going to address it. We might be able to keep it in house.
To: RADM Quint, E (@Quint) CC: From: RDML Bishop, S Subj: RE: Review of AAR: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
I came to the same conclusions when reading this report. There were a number of failures during this mission. Whilst the Federation Anthropology Council will have to accept their share of the blame, we cannot avoid the fact that Captain Mirazuni’s decision to make first contact was not only ethically and morally wrong, but a clear breach of the Prime Directive.
I will contact the officers involved to build a case and report back. You may need to interview Captain Mirazuni yourself.
To: CAPT Skye, F (@FalconEcosse) CC: RADM Quint, E (@Quint) From: RDML Bishop, S Subj: URGENT: Meeting
Please schedule a meeting with my office as a matter of priority. If I have not been able to meet within the week, I will place you on administrative leave until we have met.
To: CAPT Tungsten, D (@DrakeTungsten) CC: RADM Quint, E (@Quint) From: RDML Bishop, S Subj: URGENT: Meeting
Please schedule a meeting with my office as a matter of priority. If I have not been able to meet within the week, I will place you on administrative leave until we have met.
To: RADM Quint, E. (@Quint); RDML Bishop, S. (@Sam) From: LCDR Valore Subj: Re: Re: Review of AAR: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
I apologize for the interruption. Based on previous experiences, I would opine that Admiral Quint is taking the most prudent course of action, given reported events. Having read through the report, I noticed a couple names of junior officers I know particularly well. With your assent, I can speak with them off-the-record and see if they have any information to provide that may not be found in reports. I can be discreet.
Lieutenant Commander Valore
Office of the Admiralty
To: RDML Bishop, S (@Sam) CC: RADM Quint, E (@Quint) From: CAPT Tungsten, D Subj: RE: URGENT: Meeting
Admiral Bishop,
I believe my patrol routes are flexible enough to accommodate a meeting at your earliest convenience, particularly in the Alpha and Gamma shifts. I will be happy to meet and discuss this as soon as possible.
Captain Drake Tungsten
Commanding Officer,
USS Dragon
To: RDML Bishop, S. (@Sam) CC: RADM Quint, E. (@Quint) From: CAPT Skye, F. Subj: URGENT: Meeting
Admiral Bishop,
I will be available either tonight or from the start of the new week, whichever is easiest for your office.
I will mainly be available from Alpha through to Gamma shift but can adjust other meetings and requirements if needed.
To: LCDR Valore, S (@Valore) CC: RADM Quint, E (@Quint) From: RDML Bishop, S Subj: RE: Re: Re: Review of AAR: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Lieutenant Commander,
Any information that can be provided will be useful. I would like you to join me, if possible, during my interviews with the Captains. Anything that they say can be followed up by your own investigations with the junior officers involved.
If you find any information that has not been included in the report, I would like you to inform those officers that they must fill in official addendums. Should this be taken further and we find that information has deliberately been left out of reports, then those officers will also face investigation.
To: CMDR Samaras, A CC: RADM Quint, E; LCDR Valore, S (@Valore) From: RDML Bishop, S Subj: Brush Island Logs
I request access to the logs of the U.S.S. Brush Island. I would also like the most recent medical record on CAPT Mirazuni. Please have them transmitted at your earliest convenience.
To: RDML Bishop, S. (@Sam) From: LCDR Valore Subj: Followup Investigation
With your permission, I would care to take a diplomatic trip to the planet in question to assess the situation. The captains we interviewed deferred in their answers and probably rightfully so. I would care to see where we ended up.
Lieutenant Commander Valore
Office of the Admiralty
To: RADM Quint, E (@Quint) CC: ~~ From: RDML Bishop, S Subj: Report on Findings
Attached is a report of investigations conducted into the actions of officers in the Gartan System.
I still believe that a Prime Directive breach occurred and that the action taken by the team was not the correct one. The best decision out of a series of bad decisions does not make that decision a good one.
Reports indicate that threatening language was used in the mission against civilians. This itself must be investigated. The fact that nobody challenged this during the events of the mission, nor did anyone else bring it up until asked because of this investigation is a serious issue; what else are we missing because of lack of reporting and transparency?
Finally, despite the seriousness of the actions on this mission, we have only one report filed, and that is from Captain Mirazuni who first reported the issues of the Prime Directive. We could have saved a lot of time and effort had more reports been filed.
It is my belief that action should be taken on ALL senior officers involved on this mission. Systematic failings in decision making throughout the mission led to the current situation at present. In addition, it seems as though Commanding Officers are willing to cover up the actions of other officers to save face.
It is written on the report, and I will reiterate it again here; the biggest issue we are facing in the Doza and Kelterre Sectors are not the Azedi, but the fact that our own officers have sown the seeds of distrust and brutality into the minds of the native population. We have dealt with such issues lightly time and time again. Stronger action is required as we see certain captains flaunt these rules persistantly.
To: RDML Bishop CC: From: RADM Quint Subj: Re: Report on Findings
I cant begin to explain how bad this looks. My PADD can attest to my opinion of the matter. Recall the officers in question and find them posts station side or in an office. I’m just this side of recalling the U.S.S. Endeavour herself.
Either through action, inaction, or apathy these officers all contributed to the situation. Line after line was crossed and I’m not even referring to violation of General Order one. General Order Two comes to mind directly. After reading all of this I am quite glad and astounded that General Order Twenty four was not enacted. It certainly seemed to be where their heads were at.
When the dust settles General Order Twenty six will protect some of these officers. I will make arrangements to meet with these officers and explain the situation they now find themselves in.
You are correct, on many occasions we have been given freedom in interpretation of operations out here. We have been willing to forgive a great deal with minimal punishment. In this instance it is nonexistent. The violation of General Orders One and Two has ensured it. I will be submitting documentation to JAG for their opinions on action moving forward.
And a side note. Any of them grumble about desk duty, politely remind them General Order ten states they could be sitting in the brig instead.
To: CAPT Mirazuni, A; CAPT Tungsten, D (@DrakeTungsten); CAPT Skye, F (@FalconEcosse) CC: RADM Quint, E (@Quint) From: RDML Bishop, S Subj: URGENT - Immediate Recall
Upon receipt of this message, you are to transfer your commands over to your Executive Officers and return to Deep Space 13 where you will sit in an administrative role pending a formal inquiry into your actions during the mission to the Gartan System.
You will reply to this message to state you have understood and will comply with orders.