This page provides the framework that allows Argo to support Romulan Republic characters. While much of the information here is IC knowledge, this post serves as an OOC guide to roleplaying a Republic Romulan in Argo.
All Republic characters in the fleet will fall somewhere inside this structure. As described below there are two basic categories for Republic characters:
- 11th Expeditionary Flotilla - The Romulan equivalent of the 38th Fleet.
- Exchange Officers - These are Republic characters that serve on Starfleet ships/stations.
If you’re interested in playing a Republic character in Argo, please read through this post to be sure you fully understand how things work!
11th Expeditionary Flotilla
A direct successor to the JSI, the 11th represents the Romulan Republic’s interests in this region of space. A full write-up on the origins and composition of the flotilla is posted as a reply. Characters within the flotilla are further subdivided into two groups.
Warbird Crews
The backbone of the flotilla, the majority of Republic player characters will fall into this category. This includes:
- Warbird CO & XO’s
- Department Heads
- Player Crew
The default player group for Republic character’s will be the flotilla’s flagship, the RRW Tebok. The Tebok is commanded by Commander Nathes i-Chaltok t’Velal.
Warbird personnel follow the standard warbird chain of command. Department staff report to department heads, who report to the warbird’s XO and CO, who report to Subadmiral Miral.
Flotilla Staff
Encompassing both the commanding officer’s staff and personnel that would be organic to an operating flotilla, flotilla staff are stationed on the RRW Tebok but remain outside that chain of command. Examples of flotilla staff positions include:
- Flotilla Intelligence
- Flotilla Administrative Personnel
- Flotilla CO’s Security Detail
Flotilla staff personnel report directly to Subadmiral Miral, stationed on the Flotilla Flagship, the RRW Tebok.
Republic Exchange Commission
A specialized branch of the Republic Navy, the Republic Exchange Commission is dedicated to fostering mutual respect and cooperation between the Romulan Republic and its allies. Through the assignment of personnel to foreign commands, and through the incorporation of corresponding foreign personnel into domestic commands, all parties involved gain valuable insights and a deeper understanding of their allies. The awareness gained by the Republic Exchange Commission goes beyond operational matters, extending additionally to the advancement of social and cultural understanding between previously disparate peoples.
All Officer Exchange Program participants report directly to Admiral Tokkra’s office, which delegates authority to the allied unit in which the participant is embedded. Exchange officers are expected to fit seamlessly into their allied command structures and follow all legal and reasonable orders issued by their superiors. In the case of a conflict of interest between the exchange officer’s duty to the Republic and their duties to their allied units, the officer should contact Admiral Tokkra’s office directly for a resolution.