Over a decade of isolation has, as of now, been broken. The Tri’vokil system, once a major center for starship construction, has declared its intentions to the Galactic Community. A statement by the Praetor of the colony indicates that the so called “Tri’vokil Free State” seeks to normalize relations with the United Federation of Planets and Romulan Republic.
While stopping short of admission into the Republic, the move clearly set the stage for the world finally sending representation to Mol’Rihan. The Reunifications and Traditionalists in the Senate are almost united in their desire to foster ties with the Free State.
Problems, however, persist. Information indicates that the ruling government brutally put down dissidents during the Revolution. This is a point of contention that the Senate has stated will be addressed. There is a push, too, for the so called “United Assembly of Tri’vokil”, a growing union of dissidents on the world to take the reigns of power for the Free State.
Meanwhile, the Military has been wary of the situation. Admiral Kererek has deployed the 12th and 17th Flotillas to the borders of the Free State’s space.
“Missing starships, as was reported by one Commander imbedded with our detachment in the Federation Starfleet’s 38th Fleet. The Free State is nowhere close to integration with the galactic community. Rather, it is a security risk to both the Republic and the Federation. We will be deploying assets to carefully coordinate with Starfleet’s 38th Fleet.”
Citizens on the frontier have reported being fearful. Further, the Military has reported an increasing amount of activity in the space currently controlled by the former Star Empire. Three full battlegroups have been deployed to protect isolated colonies in that region.
“We are grateful for the RRF’s presence. But their presence does not address the fact that people have been going missing.” said a concerned citizen on Chaltok.
Such concerns are not unfounded either. Local peace-keeping forces on isolated colonies have reported a sharp increase in missing person cases. While some of them have been false-alarms, others have not been.
Romulan Republic Intelligence would remind our brave service members that moderation is key. While we welcome celebration for victories of any kind, too much Kali-fal can make good judgement difficult. Just one snipped of information is enough to seal the fate of an entire Warbird.
So remember: Moderation is key! Drink off-duty! And mind your surroundings.
Glory to the Republic!