AAR: Smugglers

Stardate 96546.6
CAPT S. Bishop
Level 2 - Confidential

LOCATION: Trinity Prime, Trinity System, Aldebaran Sector.

MISSION: Locate missing undercover operative team.

OUTCOME: Some operatives rescued. Trinity Prime placed on lockdown to prevent escape of criminals.

CAPT S. Bishop
CAPT A. Nimitz
CMDR T. Akaela
LCDR T. zh'Kerro
LT S. Valore

CPT G. Valencia

CDR Nathes t'Velal
SCDR Tylen tr'Valex

NARRATIVE: This officer attended the briefing with the above officers, with the exception of Captain Valencia. It was explained that a joint Federation-Romulan taskforce was investigating a smuggling ring of pre-sundering artefacts. However, the team of thirty Federation and Romulan intelligence operatives had gone missing when investigating the planet of Trinity Prime, an unpopulated planet covered in dense rainforests and sentient animals.

It was decided that a small team be deployed to the planet to investigate. This officer was based on the U.S.S. Pegasus to help coordinate ground efforts and provide evacuation, whilst the other officers would go down to the planet.

The mission was a success, with the ground team able to save some of the captured operatives as well as some of the artefacts that were being smuggled. One of the mercenaries was also taken into custody. In the debrief, it was decided that the planet would be placed on lockdown with ships preventing any incoming and outgoing traffic so that the mercenaries and the artefacts on the planet would be trapped and hopefully forced to surrender.

RECOMMENDATION: Several MACO strike teams should be deployed ASAP to the planet to capture the remaining mercenaries and artefacts. A prolonged blockade of the system is deemed to be ineffective given the number of supplies the mercenaries may have, as well as potential diplomatic ramifications of having assets close to the Klingon border for a protracted period of time.

This officer must also echo comments made at the briefing about the original team's mission; how did a group of thirty operatives manage to all get captured? The great number of unknowns that the botched operation caused made this mission even harder, as the away team had to beam down to a dangerous situation with only limited knowledge. The commanding officer in charge of the original mission should be brought in for a debrief and to find out why their mission went so poorly.

Stardate 96546.7
CPT G. Valencia
Level 2 - Confidential

LOCATION: Trinity Prime, Trinity System, Aldebaran Sector.

MISSION: Locate missing undercover operative team.

OUTCOME: Some operatives rescued. Trinity Prime placed on lockdown to prevent escape of criminals.

CAPT A. Nimitz
CMDR T. Akaela
LCDR T. zh'Kerro
LT S. Valore

CPT G. Valencia

CDR Nathes t'Velal
SCDR Tylen tr'Valex

NARRATIVE: This officer was briefed by Captain Bishop to the situation and was deployed on the ground team along with the officers above. Two potential areas were identified as being points of interest; a building with heightened energy signatures, and some ruins. This officer suggested it would be prudent to form teams and spread out to cover a wide area quickly and attract less attention. Teams were formed; Team 1 under the command of Captain Nimitz, with Lieutenant Commander zh'Kerro, Lieutenant Valore, and Subcommander tr'Valex, and Team 2 under Commander t'Velal, with Commander Akaela and this officer. Team 1 departed to investigate the building whilst Team 2 moved to investigate the ruins; the following details the actions of Team 2.

Upon arrival to the ruins, approximately twelve bodies of Federation and Romulan operatives were found littered around; they had been executed. As the bodies were being examined, we were ambushed by mercenary attackers. We were quickly outnumbered. Team 1 was notified but even with air support from the U.S.S. Pegasus' 127th Squadron, we were quickly overrun. A break in the fire gave this team the necessary time to beam out, with no casualties.

RECOMMENDATION: This officer must accept responsibility for the attack on Team 2; poor overwatch allowed the team to be ambushed, and subsequent actions taken by this officer only placed the team at further risk. Had Team 2 not been ambushed, it is likely the mission would have been more effective and more operatives could have been rescued.

This officer recommends that MACO Team 32 be deployed on the planet immediately to neutralise the remaining enemy contacts. This officer's prior engagement with the enemies as well as knowledge of the terrain gives Team 32 the advantage to complete the mission effectively.

OOC: These are Sam and Brie's AARs for the event "Smugglers". Event logs available on request.

Stardate 96547.7
LT S. Valore
Level 2 - Confidential

LOCATION: Trinity Prime, Trinity System, Aldebaran Sector.

MISSION: Locate missing undercover operative team.

OUTCOME: Some operatives rescued. Trinity Prime placed on lockdown to prevent escape of enemy combatants.

CAPT A. Nimitz
SCDR Tylen
LCDR T. zh'Kerro
LT S. Valore

NARRATIVE: This officer will keep strictly to the events after the group was split into teams, as previous reports cover the period before that sufficiently.

Captain Nimitz, Subcommander Tylen, and I approached a significantly fortified bunker. The LCDR stayed behind to conduct coordination and overwatch (Brex had to sleep). It was eventually decided after some deliberation that Captain Nimitz would attempt a frontal assault with suppressive fire, intent primarily on keeping the enemy's attention. The Subcommander and I would attempt to infiltrate in a flank to conduct interference, rescue hostages, and recover artifacts. About half of the missing intelligence unit was tied up around the bunker, along with several crates of stolen artifacts. It was also discussed over radio that CPT Valencia's team was taking heavy fire and needed assistance, to which CAPT Nimitz provided the Pegasus' aerial support.

As the fighting started on Captain Nimitz's end, Subcommander Tylen and I moved in. Unfortunately, the Subcommander was hit by a stray shot. However, he ordered me to continue with the objective. I proceeded behind enemy lines in their encampment. An enemy commander began issuing commands to begin execution of prisoners. This officer witnessed the majority of prisoners being extracted via transporter by both Starfleet and Republic vessels, however. This officer attached her commbadge to a large section devoted to storing crates of artifacts, having them be beamed aboard friendly vessels in orbit.

Hostile reinforcements arrived. This officer saw Captain Nimitz and the Subcommander retreat due to intensive enemy fire, and this officer was beamed onto Subcommander Tylen's shadowy vessel as well. This officer was later transferred to the Pegasus. While the system remained surrounded by friendly vessels, we departed back to DS13 for a debriefing. Subcommander Tylen also managed to beam a captured mercenary aboard his vessel.

RECOMMENDATION: This officer has the following recommendations:

1) Despite what objections may have been raised at the debriefing and within reports, this officer remains confident that the best course of action is a MACO team sent to dismantle the mercenary operations on the planet. A lengthy blockade and siege would take too long, as we do not know what level of supplies the mercenaries might have. Also, there is a grave diplomatic concern. While the Klingon Empire provided assent in this operation, a large contingent of ships at their border would make any state wary. We should deal with this now before it escalates.

2) The circumstances of capture of thirty intelligence officers and other personnel - some of whom are not field operatives - is extraordinarily suspicious. This officer recommends a thorough investigation be launched into the matter.

​3) The connection of the mercenaries to criminal organizations such as the Orion Syndicate is of grave concern. The fact that they seemed to be focused on the accumulation of pre-sundering artifacts remains highly suspicious as well. These types of people deal in bodies, not in artifacts. This officer recommends a thorough follow-up of this as well.

4) Furthermore, these mercenaries fought with extreme ferocity unlike those who fight for latinum. This officer recommends a follow-through on who they are and who they work for.

OOC: Thank you to Nathes for running the event. It was fun!

Stardate 96546.3
Subcommander Tylen tr’Valex
Security Level 2 - Confidential


LOCATION: Trinity Prime, Trinity System, Aldebaran Sector, Beta Quadrant

MISSION: Investigate missing Intelligence team deployed to Trinity Prime, recover any personnel or artifacts on the planet.

OUTCOME: Eight operatives rescued, one crate of artifacts recovered, one mercenary captured. Trinity Prime placed on lockdown to prevent further removal of artifacts and enemy combatants.


For three and a half weeks, Federation and Klingon border patrols have been intercepting contraband artifacts. In response, a joint Federation-Romulan team of thirty Intelligence Operatives were assembled to investigate the Trinity system. Contact with the team was lost one week ago. Our assignment was both search and rescue and artifact recovery.

A small team of Federation and Republic Officers were deployed to the surface of Trinity Prime to investigate. Scans of the surface indicated two potential structures of note: A sizable set of ruins near the Intelligence team’s last known location and another sizable metal object with life signs and energy readings in the opposite direction. It was decided to split our recovery forces into two teams and investigate both objects. I was assigned to Captain Nimitz’s team along with Lieutenant Commander zh’Kerro and Lieutenant Valore. Commander Nathes led the second team with Commander Akaela and Captain Valencia.

My team moved towards the metallic object scans had detected, which turned out to be a large bunker manned by Naussican and Orion mercenaries. They had captured both Republic and Federation personnel. After a brief discussion, we decided to attempt to divert some of the forces off with a distraction in order to disable them and create a more favorable tactical situation. Lieutenant Valore and I were selected to attempt covert movements towards the bunker while the Pegasus and the Laehval attempted to lock transporters on to the captive Officers.

As Lieutenant Valore and I began maneuvering towards the bunker, we were able to overhear communications regarding ‘relic hunters’ being ambushed. We surmised they were speaking of the second team and shortly after, we received confirmation. Under my suggestion, Captain Nimitz redeployed the Pegasus to provide air support for the second team. This meant only the Laehval was available to assist with rescuing the captive operatives.

At this point, Captain Nimitz decided to create a distraction to allow Lieutenant Valore and myself to continue closer for a rescue attempt. He opened fire on the mercenaries, however I was struck in the shoulder by a stray shot in the process. An order was given by the mercenaries to begin executing the Republic and Federation Officers. As soon as I witnessed this, I gave the order to the Laehval to attempt to beam out as many of the captured team as possible before they were all killed. In the process, Lieutenant Valore was able to attach her combadge to the side of a crate of artifacts and have it beamed out.

With eight of the operatives rescued and the rest dead, our team began a tactical retreat. As Lieutenant Valore no longer had her combadge on her, I instructed the Laehval to scan for Vulcanoid signatures near me and transport them aboard my ship with me. Fortunately, my transporter Officer was able to safely rescue the Lieutenant and shortly returned her to one of the Federation ships, along with the Federation Officers we had rescued. The Laehval managed to rescue five of the Federation Operatives and three of the Republic Operatives.

I made the call to attempt and capture a few of the mercenaries for interrogation and the Laehval was successful in procuring a single individual from the mercenary force. The second team had managed to extract themselves without casualties. With everyone accounted for, we withdrew from the system and returned to Deep Space 13.


I find myself in agreement with the previous two reports. We should redeploy forces to the planet to root out additional mercenary forces, capture any mercenary leaders we can identify, and recover any remaining artifacts. I believe it may also be prudent to increase patrols in these sectors, coordinating with the Federation and Klingon governments to ensure cooperation.

Not only should the eight operatives undergo an extensive debriefing once they have been cleared by respective medical services but an additional investigation should be opened into these events; Mercenary forces so well equipped and backed by the Orion Syndicate demand additional explanation and investigation.

The mercenary captured during this operation is currently being held on the Laehval and will be interrogated by Republic Intelligence Officers to provide any insight into questions left from this operation. Information learned from the interrogation will be provided to both Republic and Federation entities in the spirit of fostering future cooperation in these operations.

OOC: If I missed anything in this report, do feel free to contact me for corrections! Thanks to Nathes for running the event, looking forward to the next one!