To: CAPT MacLeod, J (@LordKilous); CMDR Jera (@Ropefish); LCDR Macginnis, Q (@GameBreaker) CC: ~~ From: CAPT Bishop, S Subj: Slave Investigation Task Force
Captain, Commanders,
I hope you are settling into the 38th Fleet well. I would like to brief the three of you on an assignment I would like undertaken.
Please coordinate with my office to arrange a time that suits all.
In the meanwhile, it may be prudent to get to know each other, if you have not already. Furthermore, the following reports will be useful. Please peruse at your leisure.
Captain Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’
To: WCDR Miral (@Aev) CC: CAPT Bishop, S. From: LT Valore Subj: FWD: Slave Investigation Task Force
Wing Commander Miral,
The last year or so has seen a surprising increase of Romulan activity not presently believed to be connected to the Republic. Captain Bishop will be hosting a briefing on the matter with several captains in order to find answers. It is the overwhelming opinion of Command that Republic involvement would bring about greater efficiency and a more proper resolution.
If I may be permitted to opine on the matter, I think that Republic officers attending the briefing would be beneficial for all involved.
Lieutenant Valore
Administrative Yeoman,
Office of the Admiralty
To: CDR J’Vox (@Umarmung), LT Valore CC: CAPT Bishop From: WCDR Miral Subj: RE: FWD: Slave Investigation Task Force
Per our conversation, familiarize yourself with the reports included above. You’ll be working with our allies on this assignment.
I’ve assigned Commander J’Vox of the R.R.W. N’Ventar to represent the JSI. The vessel and Commander just passed a readiness inspection and are eager to get to work. Please work as their point of contact as they are brought up to speed on this development.
Do not presume your implication was overlooked. Our operations are nowhere near as untidy as this. I am surprised you forgot that.
To: WCDR Miral (@Aev) From: LT Valore Subj: A misunderstanding
Wing Commander,
So interesting that you interpreted it as a presumption on my part. I did not expect you to reveal your cards as you have. I would think that the idea of my forgetfulness would at least grant you pause as to its legitimacy. Where you saw a presumption, I saw a favor in indicating thoughts beyond my own. Perhaps we should rekindle our fireside chats if there is such a strain on subtextual dialogue.
After all, I consider your support in my own classified matters to be instrumental. It seems only proper that I reply in kind.
Lieutenant Valore
Administrative Yeoman,
Office of the Admiralty
To: CDR J’Vox (@Umarmung) CC: WCDR Miral, CAPT Bishop, S. From: LT Valore Subj: RE: RE: FWD: Slave Investigation Task Force
Pleasant greetings unto you once again. I will get in touch with your staff on when the briefing takes place. Please make yourself familiar with the reports attached to the original post of this email chain.
Lieutenant Valore
Administrative Yeoman,
Office of the Admiralty
To: Recipients CC: ~~ From: CMDR Jera of Theta Subj:RE: Slave Investigation Task Force
All, Greetings.
Settling has been going smoothly, I am grateful for this inclusion and would be more then happy to assist in any way. I am available during alpha, beta and gamma time frames however i do not know if events will disrupt my time during the weekdays.
CMDR Jera of Theta
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Sarpa
To: CAPT Bishop, S CC: N/A From: LCDR Macginnis Subj: Slave Investigation Task Force
I am settling in fine, at least on the station. My ship is still under lock and key at the dock until any transfers, repairs, and upgrades are completed. While on the station, I have read any files of interest, continued my previous experimental concept work, gotten to know more of the Fleet personnel, and had been drinking quite a bit of Vulcan Spice Tea. Prepared by myself in my ship quarters most often.
Now on the note of the assignment, I would be eager to help, as long as my ship is completed beforehand. With the time arrangement, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon Shift are all possible times I can come in and coordinate with you.
Thank you for assigning me to this.
Quinn Macginnis
Commanding Officer,
USS Counsellor
To: Lt Valore From: WCDR Miral Subj: [RE:] Slave Investigation Task Force
A warbird, or warbirds, of unknown allegiance are marauding through this sector destroying civilian shipping and taking lives at will. My only priority in this instance is to work with our allies to quickly hunt down the responsible parties. Even the thought that the Republic is somehow behind this must be quickly laid to rest. Even more so when the one making the suggestion has the ear of the Admiralty.
I appreciate the thought put into keeping classified information classified. In this instance, there is no such operation to discuss.
This is an official confirmation of the formation of “Task Force Spartacus”, under the operational command of Captain MacLeod, to combat the recent slaver incursion.
I expect regular updates on progress. Whilst you are free to act on small-scale missions without prior authorisation, larger operations will need to be signed off by either myself or Admiral Quint for Starfleet ships, and Wing Commander Miral if the operation requires the participation of Republic assets.
Any internal station investigation must be signed off by Captain Varley and the relevant department heads informed.
Good luck.
Captain Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’
To: CAPT Bahieh, K (@Bahieh); CAPT Pryce, J (@Nimitz) CC: CAPT MacLeod, J (@LordKilous) From: RDML Bishop, S Subj: Slave Investigation Task Force
I hope you had a restful Risa, if you had the pleasure of attending.
In addition to your normal duties, you are assigned to Task Force Spartacus. Please familiarise yourself with the reports attached. Captain MacLeod is the Task Force Lead.